Family: Theridiidae Sundevall, 1833 [] Detail
In synonymy:
Deliana Keyserling, 1886 = Lasaeola Simon, 1881 (Wunderlich, 1988: 148, by T of the type species)
Pachydactylus Menge, 1868 = Lasaeola Simon, 1881 (Simon, 1881a: 136, preoccupied, replacement name)
Pselothorax Chamberlin, 1949 = Lasaeola Simon, 1881 (Yoshida, 2002a: 13, contra Ivie, 1967: 126, who placed that name as a junior synonym of Dipoena Thorell, 1869)
Gen. Lasaeola Simon, 1881 [] Detail
type Pachydactylus pronus Menge, 1868; gender feminine
N.B.: replacement name for Pachydactylus Menge, 1868: 177 [], preoccupied in Reptilia by Wiegman, 1834; removed (together with its junior synonym Deliana Keyserling, 1886b: 35 [] (type D. spinithorax Keyserling, 1886)) from the synonymy of Dipoena Thorell, 1869 by Wunderlich, 1988: 148 but only taxa specifically mentioned by Wunderlich are shown as transfers here; considered by Yoshida, 2002a: 12 to include "the species of the D. prona group designated by Levi (1953)" but again only taxa explicitly transferred by him are listed here, until a wider, worldwide sample of taxa can be studied.
Transferred to other genera:
Lasaeola proxima O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1896 -- see Dipoena
In synonymy:
Lasaeola daltoni (Levi, 1953, T from Dipoena) = Lasaeola atopa (Chamberlin, 1949) (Ivie, 1967: 126, sub Dipoena).
Lasaeola hamata (Tullgren, 1949, T from Dipoena) = Lasaeola prona (Menge, 1868) (Levi, 1963a: 145, sub Dipoena).
Lasaeola tibiale (Hahn, 1831, T from Theridion) = Lasaeola tristis (Hahn, 1833) (Prpic, 2015: 88).
Lasaeola trapezoidalis (Levy & Amitai, 1981, T from Dipoena) = Lasaeola convexa (Blackwall, 1870) (Vanuytven, Van Keer & Poot, 1994: 2, sub Dipoena).
Lasaeola algarvensis Wunderlich, 2011 | m f | Portugal     []
Lasaeola algarvensis Wunderlich, 2011: 257, f. 68-73 (Dmf).
Lasaeola armona Wunderlich, 2015 | m f | Portugal, Spain     []
Lasaeola armona Wunderlich, 2015a: 442, f. 8-10 (Dm).
Lasaeola armona Wunderlich, 2023: 31, f. 44 (Df).
Lasaeola atopa (Chamberlin, 1949) | m f | USA     []
Pselothorax atopus Chamberlin, 1949: 541 (Dm).
Dipoena daltoni Levi, 1953b: 35, f. 65-71, 116-117 (Dmf).
Dipoena atopa Ivie, 1967: 126 (S).
Dipoena atopa Levi & Randolph, 1975: 37, f. 44 (m).
Dipoena atopa Roth, 1982: 47-9, f. 44 (m).
Dipoena atopa Roth, 1985: B43-9, f. 44 (m).
Dipoena atopa Roth, 1994: 183, f. 44 (m).
Lasaeola atopa Yoshida, 2002a: 13 (implicitly Tmf from Dipoena by synonymy of generic name).
Lasaeola bequaerti (Chickering, 1948) | m | Panama     []
Dipoena bequaerti Chickering, 1948: 331, f. 1-3 (Dm).
Dipoena bequaerti Levi, 1963a: 178, f. 266-267 (m).
Dipoena becquaerti Brignoli, 1983c: 401 (lapsus).
Lasaeola bequaerti Wunderlich, 1988: 154 (Tm from Dipoena).
Lasaeola canariensis (Wunderlich, 1987) | m f | Canary Is.     []
Dipoena canariensis Wunderlich, 1987a: 210, f. 552-556 (Dmf).
Dipoenata canariensis Wunderlich, 1988: 154 (Tmf from Dipoena).
Lasaeola canariensis Wunderlich, 2011: 256 (Tmf from Dipoenata).
Lasaeola convexa (Blackwall, 1870) | m f | Mediterranean     []
Theridion convexum Blackwall, 1870b: 426 (Df).
Euryopis pilula Simon, 1873a: 119 (Dmf).
Steatoda convexa Thorell, 1875c: 58.
Lasaeola convexa Simon, 1881a: 148 (m).
Lasaeola convexa Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 26, pl. 1, f. 23 (mf).
Dipoena convexa Simon, 1894a: 526, f. 572.
Dipoena convexa Simon, 1914: 274, 302, f. 528 (mf).
Dipoena convexa Brignoli, 1967e: 183, f. 3A-C (f).
Dipoena trapezoidalis Levy & Amitai, 1981a: 184, f. 23-27 (Dm).
Dipoena convexa Vanuytven, Van Keer & Poot, 1994: 2, f. 1-5 (mf, S).
Dipoena convexa Levy, 1998b: 154, f. 287-293 (mf).
Dipoena convexa Knoflach & Pfaller, 2004: 142, f. 24f (f).
Lasaeola convexa Wunderlich, 2011: 256, f. 85-87 (Tmf from Dipoena).
Dipoena convexa Le Peru, 2011: 439, f. 675 (mf).
Lasaeola convexa IJland, van Helsdingen & Miller, 2012: 14, f. 18a-b (m).
Lasaeola convexa Gaymard & Lecigne, 2018: 39, f. 16H-I, 17G-H (f).
Lasaeola convexa Wunderlich, 2020a: 11, f. 15 (prosoma).
Lasaeola convexa Iorio, 2023: 30, f. 24-25 (m).
Lasaeola coracina (C. L. Koch, 1837) | m f | Western Europe to Ukraine, Iran     []
Theridium coracinum C. L. Koch, 1837b: 8 (D).
Theridium coracinum C. L. Koch, 1841a: 84, f. 655 (Df).
Steatoda coracina C. L. Koch, 1850: 18.
Steatoda coracina O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879d: 98 (Dm).
Lasaeola nigrina Simon, 1881a: 144 (Dmf).
Lasaeola nigrina Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 26, pl. 1, f. 22 (mf).
Lasaeola nigrina Bösenberg, 1902: 123, pl. 11, f. 156 (mf).
Dipoena nigrina Lessert, 1910b: 117.
Dipoena coracina Simon, 1914: 277, 301, f. 528 (mf).
Dipoena coracina Miller, 1947: 62, pl. IV, f. 3-4 (mf).
Dipoena coracina Locket & Millidge, 1953: 48, f. 33B, E (mf).
Dipoena coracina Miller, 1967: 290, pl. XIII, f. 10-15 (mf).
Dipoena coracina Miller, 1971: 184, pl. XXXI, f. 16-17 (mf).
Dipoena coracina Palmgren, 1974b: 11, f. 3.10-11 (mf).
Dipoena coracina Roberts, 1985: 176, f. 78e (mf).
Dipoena coracina Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 286, f. 769 (mf).
Dipoena coracina Roberts, 1998: 284, f. (mf).
Dipoena coracina Le Peru, 2011: 439, f. 676 (mf).
Lasaeola coracina Wunderlich, 2015a: 439, f. 1-7 (Tmf from Dipoena).
Lasaeola coracina Lecigne, 2018b: 77, f. 11C (m).
Lasaeola coracina Zamani et al., 2021b: 289, f. 10K-L (m).
Lasaeola dbari Kovblyuk, Marusik & Omelko, 2012 | m f | Turkey, Russia (Europe), Georgia     []
Lasaeola dbari Kovblyuk, Marusik & Omelko, 2012: 248, f. 1-18 (Dmf).
Lasaeola dbari Ponomarev & Shmatko, 2020b: 307, f. 30-33 (mf).
Lasaeola dbari Demircan Aksan & Topçu, 2022b: 37, f. 1A-D (f).
Lasaeola donaldi (Chickering, 1943) | m f | Panama, Venezuela     []
Dipoena donaldi Chickering, 1943b: 347, f. 24-26 (Dm).
Dipoena donaldi Levi, 1963a: 165, f. 163-168 (m, Df).
Lasaeola donaldi Wunderlich, 1988: 150 (Tmf from Dipoena).
Lasaeola fastigata Zhang, Liu & Zhang, 2011 | m | China     []
Lasaeola fastigata Zhang, Liu & Zhang, 2011b: 6, f. 4-6 (Dm).
Lasaeola flavitarsis (Wunderlich, 1992) | f | Canary Is.     []
Dipoenata flavitarsis Wunderlich, 1992a: 409, f. 572-573 (Df).
Lasaeola flavitarsis Wunderlich, 2011: 254 (Tf from Dipoenata).
Lasaeola grancanariensis (Wunderlich, 1987) | f | Canary Is.     []
Dipoena grancanariensis Wunderlich, 1987a: 212, f. 564-565 (Df).
Lasaeola grancanariensis Wunderlich, 2011: 256 (Tf from Dipoena, may be a S of L. striata).
Lasaeola lunata Zhang, Liu & Zhang, 2011 | m | China     []
Lasaeola lunata Zhang, Liu & Zhang, 2011b: 4, f. 1-3 (Dm).
Lasaeola minutissima Wunderlich, 2011 | m f | Portugal, Spain     []
Lasaeola minutissima Wunderlich, 2011: 258, f. 79-84 (Dmf).
Lasaeola minutissima Barrientos et al., 2016: 96, f. 26-30 (mf).
Lasaeola oceanica Simon, 1883 | m f | Azores     []
Lasaeola testaceomarginata oceanica Simon, 1883: 271 (Dmf).
Lasaeola oceanica Wunderlich, 1992a: 412, f. 574-575 (mf, elevated from subspecies).
Lasaeola octoginta Wunderlich, 2020 | m | Portugal     []
Lasaeola octoginta Wunderlich, 2020a: 12, f. 18-20 (Dm).
Lasaeola okinawana (Yoshida & Ono, 2000) | m | China, Japan (Ryukyu Is.)     []
Dipoena amamiensis Yoshida, 1991e: 35, f. 5-6 (m, misidentified).
Dipoena amamiensis Zhu, 1998: 242, f. 159E (m, misidentified).
Dipoena amaniensis Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 110, f. 53M (m, misidentified).
Dipoena okinawana Yoshida & Ono, 2000: 146, f. 33-36 (Dm).
Lasaeola okinawana Yoshida, 2002a: 13 (Tm from Dipoena).
Lasaeola okinawana Yoshida, 2003a: 172, f. 472-475 (m).
Lasaeola okinawana Yoshida, 2009b: 389, f. 328 (m).
Lasaeola pinna Tang, F. Liu, Z. Y. Liu, Yang & Peng, 2024 | m f | China     []
Lasaeola pinna Tang et al., 2024: 380, f. 1A-F, 2A-E (Dmf).
Lasaeola prona (Menge, 1868) * | m f | North America, Europe, Caucasus, Russia (Europe to South Siberia), Kazakhstan, Iran, Japan     []
Pachydactylus pronus Menge, 1868: 177, pl. 33, f. 80 (Dmf).
Theridion pronum O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873c: 535.
Steatoda prona O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874d: 324.
Euryopis prona O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1881a: 481.
Lasaeola prona Simon, 1881a: 145.
Lasaeola prona Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 25, pl. 1, f. 20 (mf).
Lasaeola prona Bösenberg, 1902: 124, pl. 11, f. 159 (f).
Lasaeola jucunda O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1904a: 152, 162, pl. A, f. 3 (Dmf).
Lasaeola jucunda O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1908a: 125, pl. A, f. 13-15 (mf).
Dipoena prona Simon, 1914: 277, 302, f. 528 (mf).
Dipoena prona Wiehle, 1937: 186, f. 184-185 (mf).
Dipoena prona Tullgren, 1949: 50, f. 9 (f).
Dipoena hamata Tullgren, 1949: 50, f. 10, 11a-b (Dm).
Dipoena prona Locket & Millidge, 1953: 46, f. 31A-B, 32A (mf).
Dipoena hamata Levi, 1953b: 30, f. 50-59, 105-106 (mf).
Dipoena prona Lehtinen & Kleemola, 1962: 110, f. 14 (f).
Dipoena prona Levi & Levi, 1962: 50 (m).
Dipoena prona Levi, 1963a: 145 (S).
Dipoena prona Miller, 1967: 290, pl. XIII, f. 16-19 (mf).
Dipoena prona Tystshenko, 1971: 143, f. 372, 375 (mf).
Dipoena prona Miller, 1971: 185, pl. XXXI, f. 14-15 (mf).
Dipoena prona Palmgren, 1974b: 11, f. 2.27-29 (mf).
Dipoena hamata Palmgren, 1974b: 11, f. 3.4-5 (mf, after Levi, 1953b).
Dipoena prona Roberts, 1985: 176, f. 78b (mf).
Dipoena prona Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 284, f. 765 (mf).
Dipoena prona Roberts, 1995: 269, f. (mf).
Dipoena prona Roberts, 1998: 284, f. (mf).
Dipoena prona Yoshida & Ono, 2000: 149, f. 40-47 (mf).
Lasaeola prona Yoshida, 2002a: 13, f. 3-5 (Tmf from Dipoena).
Dipoena prona Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 215, f. 2402-2404 (mf).
Lasaeola prona Yoshida, 2003a: 171, f. 466-471 (mf).
Dipoena prona Almquist, 2005: 62, f. 88a-f (mf).
Lasaeola prona Yoshida, 2009b: 389, f. 326-327 (mf).
Dipoena prona Le Peru, 2011: 442, f. 687 (mf).
Lasaeola prona Kovblyuk, Marusik & Omelko, 2012: 250, f. 19-22 (m).
Lasaeola prona Barrientos, Uribarri & García-Sarrión, 2015: 66, f. 7a-b (m).
Lasaeola prona Lecigne, 2020: 50, pl. 1K (f).
Lasaeola prona Vanuytven, 2021: 172, f. B.161e, B.164 (m).
Lasaeola prona Seropian et al., 2023: 285, f. 130 (m).
Lasaeola spinithorax (Keyserling, 1886) | f | Peru     []
Deliana spinithorax Keyserling, 1886b: 35, pl. 11, f. 153 (Df).
Deliana spinithorax Levi & Levi, 1962: 19, f. 58-59 (f).
Dipoena spinithorax Levi, 1963a: 170, f. 205-208 (f).
Lasaeola spinithorax Wunderlich, 1988: 148 (Tf from Dipoena).
Lasaeola striata (Wunderlich, 1987) | m f | Canary Is.     []
Dipoena striata Wunderlich, 1987a: 211, f. 557-563 (Dmf).
Lasaeola striata Wunderlich, 2011: 256, f. 74-75 (Tmf from Dipoena).
Lasaeola superba (Chickering, 1948) | m | Mexico, Panama     []
Dipoena superba Chickering, 1948: 337, f. 8-10 (Dm).
Dipoena superba Levi, 1963a: 167, f. 183-184 (m).
Lasaeola superba Wunderlich, 1988: 152 (Tm from Dipoena).
Lasaeola tengchongensis Tang, F. Liu, Z. Y. Liu, Yang & Peng, 2024 | m f | China     []
Lasaeola tengchongensis Tang et al., 2024: 383, f. 3A-F, 4A-E (Dmf).
Lasaeola testaceomarginata Simon, 1881 | m f | Mediterranean     []
Lasaeola testaceomarginata Simon, 1881a: 142 (Dmf).
Dipoena testaceomarginata Simon, 1914: 276, 301, f. 528 (mf).
Dipoena testaceomarginata Brignoli, 1968d: 97, f. 7-8, 11 (mf).
Lasaeola testaceomarginata Wunderlich, 1992a: 412, f. 576 (Tmf from Dipoena).
Lasaeola testaceomarginata Trotta, 2005: 176, f. 476-477 (mf).
Lasaeola testaceomarginata Wunderlich, 2011: 256, f. 76-78 (mf).
Dipoena testaceomarginata Le Peru, 2011: 442, f. 690 (mf).
Lasaeola testaceomarginata Lecigne, 2017: 35, f. 11D-F (f).
Lasaeola testaceomarginata Wunderlich, 2021: 11, f. 31-32 (m).
Lasaeola testaceomarginata Febrer & Barrientos, 2022: 140, f. 4A-C (m).
Lasaeola tristis (Hahn, 1833) | m f | Europe, Turkey, Russia (Europe to South Siberia), Kazakhstan, Iran, Central Asia     []
Theridion tibiale Hahn, 1831b: 1, pl. 24, f. dD4 (Df; nomen oblitum per Prpic, 2015: 87) [].
Theridion triste Hahn, 1833a: 89, f. 67 (Dmf).
Theridium triste C. L. Koch, 1841a: vol. 8: 83, f. 653-654 (mf).
Steatoda tristis C. L. Koch, 1850: 18.
Euryopis tristis Menge, 1868: 176, pl. 33, f. 79 (j).
Lasaeola tristis Simon, 1881a: 138.
Lasaeola tristis Becker, 1896: (2): 110, pl. 24, f. 2 (mf).
Lasaeola tristis Bösenberg, 1902: 122, pl. 11, f. 155 (mf).
Dipoena tristis Simon, 1914: 276, 301.
Dipoena tristis Wiehle, 1937: 182, f. 175-179 (mf).
Dipoena tristis Tullgren, 1949: 48, f. 7a, 8a-b (mf).
Dipoena tristis Locket & Millidge, 1953: 48, f. 33A, D (mf).
Dipoena tristis Levi, 1953b: 7, f. 35, 89 (mf).
Theridion tibiale Roewer, 1955c: 1685 (nicht zu deuten = nomen dubium).
Dipoena tristis Miller, 1967: 289, pl. XIII, f. 1-4 (mf).
Dipoena tristis Miller, 1971: 184, pl. XXXI, f. 12-13 (mf).
Dipoena tristis Palmgren, 1974b: 13, f. 2.23-26 (mf).
Dipoena tristis Roberts, 1985: 176, f. 78d (mf).
Lasaeola tristis Wunderlich, 1988: 148 (T from Dipoena; mistakenly as type species of Lasaeola).
Dipoena tristis Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 286, f. 770 (mf).
Dipoena tristis Roberts, 1995: 269, f. (mf).
Dipoena tristis Roberts, 1998: 284, f. (mf).
Lasaeola tristis Knoflach & Pfaller, 2004: 137, f. 20f (m).
Lasaeola tristis Trotta, 2005: 177, f. 478-479 (mf).
Lasaeola tristis Almquist, 2005: 75, f. 98a-f (mf).
Lasaeola tristis Agnarsson, Coddington & Knoflach, 2007: 382, f. 173 (m).
Dipoena tristis Le Peru, 2011: 443, f. 692 (mf).
Lasaeola tristis Kovblyuk, Marusik & Omelko, 2012: 250, f. 23-26 (m).
Lasaeola tristis Prpic, 2015: 88 (S of Theridion tibiale, removed from nomen dubium).
Lasaeola tristis Aakra et al., 2016: 32, f. 27 (m).
Lasaeola tristis hissariensis (Charitonov, 1951) | f | Russia (South Siberia)     []
Dipoena tristis hissariensis Charitonov, 1951: 210, f. 1 (Df).
Lasaeola yona (Yoshida & Ono, 2000) | m | Japan (Ryukyu Is.)     []
Dipoena yona Yoshida & Ono, 2000: 153, f. 54-56 (Dm).
Lasaeola yona Yoshida, 2002a: 13 (Tm from Dipoena).
Lasaeola yona Yoshida, 2003a: 173, f. 476-478 (m).
Lasaeola yona Yoshida, 2009b: 391, f. 329 (m).
Lasaeola yoshidai (Ono, 1991) | m f | Russia (Far East), China, Korea, Japan     []
Dipoena yoshidai Ono, in Ono et al., 1991: 91, f. 2-8 (Dmf).
Dipoena yoshidai Yoshida & Ono, 2000: 152, f. 48-53 (mf).
Lasaeola yoshidai Yoshida, 2002a: 13 (Tmf from Dipoena).
Lasaeola yoshidai Yoshida, 2003a: 174, f. 479-482 (mf).
Lasaeola yoshidai Yoshida, 2009b: 391, f. 330-331 (mf).
Lasaeola yoshidai Seo, 2010a: 175, f. 11-14 (m).
Lasaeola yoshidai Suzuki, 2018b: 58, 1a-b (m).
Lasaeola yoshidai Kim, 2021: 77, f. 31A-E (f).
Lasaeola yoshidai Hidaka, 2022c: 172, f. 1-2 (f).