Family: Linyphiidae Blackwall, 1859 [] Detail
In synonymy:
Kulczynskiellum F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894 = Oedothorax Bertkau, 1883 (Reimoser, 1919: 72, sub Stylothorax)
Stylothorax Bertkau, 1883 = Oedothorax Bertkau, 1883 (Simon, 1926: 522)
Gen. Oedothorax Bertkau, 1883 [] Detail
type Neriene gibbosa Blackwall, 1841; gender masculine (see Canard & Cruveillier, 2016: 44); Bertkau, in Förster & Bertkau
N.B.: genus new circumscribed by Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 348; considered a synonym of Stylothorax Bertkau, in Förster & Bertkau, 1883: 228 [] (type Neriene apicata Blackwall, 1850) by Simon, 1926: 522; Stylothorax was considered a senior synonym of Kulczynskiellum F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894a: 367 [] (type Neriene fusca Blackwall, 1834) by Reimoser, 1919: 72; not a senior synonym of Callitrichia Fage, 1936 (Jocqué, 1983a: 236, contra Wunderlich, 1978d: 257) and Toschia Caporiacco, 1949 (see Callitrichia) or of Trichoncoides Denis, 1950, Paratrichoncus Miller, 1966 and Spaniophrys Denis, 1966 (see  Trichoncoides).
Transferred to other genera:
Oedothorax aberdarensis (Holm, 1962) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax alascensis (Banks, 1900) -- see Halorates
Oedothorax alienus (Holm, 1962) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax analis (Simon, 1894) -- see Ostearius
Oedothorax angelus Tanasevitch, 1998 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax angulituberis Oi, 1960 -- see Ummeliata
Oedothorax anneni Kishida, 1941 -- see Orthobula
Oedothorax aquilonaris (L. Koch, 1879) -- see Hybauchenidium
Oedothorax arcuatus (Tullgren, 1901) -- see Ostearius
Oedothorax asocialis Wunderlich, 1974 -- see Nasoona
Oedothorax assuetus Tanasevitch, 1998 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax barbarus (Simon, 1884) -- see Lessertia
Oedothorax bipunctis Bösenberg & Strand, 1906 -- see Paratmeticus
Oedothorax bisignatus Mello-Leitão, 1945 -- see Theridion
Oedothorax borealis (Banks, 1899) -- see Porrhomma
Oedothorax brevipalpus (Banks, 1901) -- see Tmeticus
Oedothorax cacuminatus (Holm, 1962) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax clypeellum Tanasevitch, 1998 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax concolor (Caporiacco, 1949) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax conicus (Emerton, 1914) -- see Kaestneria
Oedothorax convector Tanasevitch, 2014 -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax cornutus Tanasevitch, 2015 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax coronatus Tanasevitch, 1998 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax coronatus (Simon, 1894) -- see Nasoona
Oedothorax cypericolus (Jocqué, 1981) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax digitatus (Holm, 1962) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax dismodicoides Wunderlich, 1974 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax diversus (L. Koch, 1879) -- see Tibioplus
Oedothorax dubius Schenkel, 1929 -- see Sciastes
Oedothorax dubius (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1898) -- see Grammonota
Oedothorax ectrapelus (Keyserling, 1886) -- see Dictyna
Oedothorax egenus (L. Koch, 1869) -- see Walckenaeria
Oedothorax elongatus Wunderlich, 1974 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax erigonoides Oi, 1960 -- see Ummeliata
Oedothorax esperanzae (Tullgren, 1901) -- see Smermisia
Oedothorax esyunini Zhang, Zhang & Yu, 2003 -- see Ummeliata
Oedothorax falcifer Tanasevitch, 1998 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax falciferoides Tanasevitch, 2015 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax falsificus (Keyserling, 1886) -- see Islandiana
Oedothorax femineus Bösenberg & Strand, 1906 -- see Ummeliata
Oedothorax foratus Ma & Zhu, 1990 -- see Gongylidioides
Oedothorax formosanus (Oi, 1977) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax fuegianus (Simon, 1902) -- see Notolinga
Oedothorax glabriceps (Holm, 1962) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax globiceps Thaler, 1987 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax hirsutus Wunderlich, 1974 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax holmi Wunderlich, 1978 -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax hulongensis Zhu & Wen, 1980 -- see Jilinus
Oedothorax imulus (L. Koch, 1879) -- see Collinsia
Oedothorax inacuminatus (Bosmans, 1977) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax incertus (Miller, 1970) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax insecticeps Bösenberg & Strand, 1906 -- see Ummeliata
Oedothorax insulanus Paik, 1980 -- see Gongylidioides
Oedothorax kathmandu Tanasevitch, 2020 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax kenyae (Fage, 1936) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax kenyae alticola (Holm, 1962) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax kenyae corniculatus (Holm, 1962) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax kenyae extenuatus (Holm, 1962) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax lacteovittatus Mello-Leitão, 1944 -- see Glenognatha
Oedothorax lasalanus Chamberlin & Ivie, 1938 -- see Islandiana
Oedothorax latitibialis Bosmans, 1988 -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax legrandi Jocqué, 1985 -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax limnaeus Crosby & Bishop, 1927 -- see Carorita
Oedothorax lineatus Wunderlich, 1974 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax longiductus Bosmans, 1988 -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax longistriatus Fei & Chu, 1992 -- see Gongylidioides
Oedothorax lopchu Tanasevitch, 2015 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax lucidus Wunderlich, 1974 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax macrophthalmus Locket & Russell-Smith, 1980 -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax maculatus Wunderlich, 1974 -- see Nasoona
Oedothorax malearmatus Tanasevitch, 1998 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax matei (Keyserling, 1886) -- see Ostearius
Oedothorax maximus (Emerton, 1882) -- see Tmeticus
Oedothorax meruensis (Holm, 1962) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax michaelseni (Simon, 1902) -- see Laminacauda
Oedothorax modestus Tanasevitch, 1998 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax mongolensis (Heimer, 1987) -- see Hybauchenidium
Oedothorax monoceros Miller, 1970 -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax montevidensis (Keyserling, 1878) -- see Laminacauda
Oedothorax montifer (Emerton, 1882) -- see Emertongone
Oedothorax muscicola Bosmans, 1988 -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax nigromaculatus (Gao, Fei & Xing, 1996) -- see Nasoona
Oedothorax obtusifrons (Miller, 1970) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax orinus Chamberlin, 1916 -- see Laminacauda
Oedothorax osakaensis Oi, 1960 -- see Ummeliata
Oedothorax paludicola (Holm, 1962) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax paralegrandi Tanasevitch, 2016 -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax pectinatus (Emerton, 1894) -- see Collinsia
Oedothorax pictonensis (Simon, 1902) -- see Neomaso
Oedothorax pictus (Caporiacco, 1949) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax pidacitis Crosby & Bishop, 1927 -- see Sisicottus
Oedothorax pilosus Wunderlich, 1978 -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax piratus (Simon, 1884) -- see Trichoncoides
Oedothorax potamius Crosby & Bishop, 1927 -- see Souessoula
Oedothorax quadrimaculatus Uyemura, 1937 -- see Strandella
Oedothorax recurvus (Strand, 1901) -- see Zornella
Oedothorax redactus (Chamberlin, 1925) -- see Neriene
Oedothorax rimatus Ma & Zhu, 1990 -- see Gongylidioides
Oedothorax rusticus Tanasevitch, 2015 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax ruwenzoriensis (Holm, 1962) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax savigniformis Tanasevitch, 1998 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax schenkeli Roewer, 1942 -- see Sciastes
Oedothorax semiflavus (L. Koch, 1879) -- see Hypselistes
Oedothorax seminolus Ivie & Barrows, 1935 -- see Soulgas
Oedothorax sexoculatus Wunderlich, 1974 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax sexoculorum Tanasevitch, 1998 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax silvaticus (Holm, 1962) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax simplicithorax Tanasevitch, 1998 -- see Cornitibia
Oedothorax spinosus (Holm, 1968) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax submissellus Strand, 1907 -- see Zerogone
Oedothorax submissus (L. Koch, 1879) -- see Collinsia
Oedothorax taeniatus (Holm, 1968) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax telekii (Holm, 1962) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax tholusus Tanasevitch, 1998 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax tokyoensis (Uyemura, 1941) -- see Ummeliata
Oedothorax triceps Tanasevitch, 2020 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax turritus (Holm, 1962) -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax unicolor Wunderlich, 1974 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax unidentatus (Emerton, 1917) -- see Vermontia
Oedothorax usitatus Jocqué & Scharff, 1986 -- see Callitrichia
Oedothorax vilis (Kulczyński, 1885) -- see Tmeticus
Oedothorax villosus Tanasevitch, 2015 -- see Mitrager
Oedothorax wunderlichi Brignoli, 1983 -- see Nasoona
In synonymy:
Oedothorax cantalicus (Simon, 1884) = Oedothorax gibbifer (Kulczyński, 1882) (Denis, 1947d: 156).
Oedothorax commutabilis (Dahl, 1883, T from Erigone) = Oedothorax fuscus (Blackwall, 1834) (Dahl, 1886: 78, sub Neriene).
Oedothorax elevatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1862, T from Neriene) = Oedothorax retusus (Westring, 1851) (Thorell, 1871a: 125, sub Erigone).
Oedothorax foveolatus (Menge, 1868, T from Tmeticus) = Oedothorax retusus (Westring, 1851) (Thorell, 1871a: 125, sub Erigone).
Oedothorax gibbicollis (Westring, 1851) = Oedothorax apicatus (Blackwall, 1850) (Thorell, 1871a: 112, sub Erigone).
Oedothorax gibbosus tuberosus (Blackwall, 1841) = Oedothorax gibbosus (Blackwall, 1841) (de Keer & Maelfait, 1988: 3).
Oedothorax gibbus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1901) = Oedothorax fuscus (Blackwall, 1834) (Denis, 1947d: 156).
Oedothorax henkingi (Dahl, 1883) = Oedothorax gibbosus (Blackwall, 1841) (Wiehle, 1960a: 454, sub O. tuberosus).
Oedothorax insolens (Simon, 1894) = Oedothorax tingitanus (Simon, 1884) (Bosmans, 1985b: 59).
Oedothorax marinus (L. Koch, 1882, T from Erigone) = Oedothorax fuscus (Blackwall, 1834) (Bosmans & Van Keer, 2012a: 8).
Oedothorax simplex (Westring, 1851) = Oedothorax fuscus (Blackwall, 1834) (Thorell, 1871a: 125, sub Erigone).
Oedothorax tarsalis (Thorell, 1875) = Oedothorax fuscus (Blackwall, 1834) (van Helsdingen, 1978b: 194).
Oedothorax tuberculatus (Grube, 1859, T from Micryphantes) = Oedothorax apicatus (Blackwall, 1850) (Thorell, 1871a: 112, sub Erigone).
Homonym replaced:
Oedothorax dubius Caporiacco, 1935 -- see Oedothorax caporiaccoi (see Roewer, 1942a)
Nomina dubia:
Oedothorax curtipes (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875a: 314, m, Britain, originally in Neriene) -- Bristowe, 1941: 514.
Oedothorax insignis (Bösenberg, 1902: 161, pl. 14, f. 216, f, Germany, originally in Gonatium) -- Breitling et al., 2015: 72.
Oedothorax montanus (Blackwall, 1856: 234, m, Britain, Germany, originally in Neriene) -- Bristowe, 1941: 521.
Oedothorax pallidus (Bösenberg, 1902: 172, pl. 15, f. 235, m, Germany, Romania, originally in Kulczynskiellum) -- Breitling et al., 2015: 72.
Oedothorax subniger (Bösenberg, 1902: 172, pl. 15, f. 234, f, Germany, Balkans, originally in Kulczynskiellum) -- Breitling et al., 2015: 72.
Oedothorax tener (Bösenberg, 1902: 172, pl. 15, f. 233, f, Germany, Balkans, originally in Kulczynskiellum) -- Breitling et al., 2015: 72.
Oedothorax agrestis (Blackwall, 1853) | m f | Europe, Russia (Europe to South Siberia)     []
Neriene agrestis Blackwall, 1853: 23 (Dmf).
Neriene agrestis Blackwall, 1864a: 276, pl. 19, f. 190, pl. 22, f. D (mf).
Neriene agrestis O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1882a: 4, pl. 1, f. 2b (f).
Gongylidium agreste Simon, 1884a: 494, f. 280-282 (mf).
Kulczynskiellum agrestis F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894a: 367.
Kulczskiellum agreste F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1895a: 39 (lapsus).
Gongylidium agrestis Becker, 1896: 89, pl. 9, f. 9 (mf).
Kulczynskiellum agreste Bösenberg, 1902: 169, pl. 15, f. 228 (mf).
Oedothorax agrestis Lessert, 1910b: 193.
Stylothorax agrestis Reimoser, 1919: 72.
Oedothorax agrestis Simon, 1926: 453, 523, f. 784 (mf).
Oedothorax agrestis Denis, 1947d: 140, f. 2D, 6G, 7H, 8H, 9B, 10C, 11B (mf).
Oedothorax agrestis Locket & Millidge, 1953: 241, f. 145C, 146D, 147C-D (mf).
Oedothorax agrestis Wiehle, 1960a: 445, f. 817-826 (mf).
Oedothorax agrestis Merrett, 1963b: 386, f. 46A-F (m).
Oedothorax agrestis Tystshenko, 1971: 251, f. 827 (f).
Oedothorax agrestis Miller, 1971: 262, pl. LIV, f. 17-19 (mf).
Oedothorax agrestis Palmgren, 1976: 87, f. 7.11, 13-17 (mf).
Oedothorax agrestis Růžička, 1978: 195, f. 8E-F (f).
Oedothorax agrestis Müller, 1983c: 64, f. 2a-c (m).
Oedothorax agrestis Bosmans, 1985b: 65, f. 16, 21, 33 (m).
Oedothorax agrestis Roberts, 1987: 57, f. 22d, 23b (mf).
Oedothorax agrestis Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 224, f. 606 (mf).
Oedothorax agrestis Aakra, 2000a: 81, f. 3A-E (mf).
Oedothorax agrestis Russell-Smith, 2016c: 24, f. 5 (f).
Oedothorax agrestis Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 434, f. 5A-H, 7V, 8H, 9H, S1G (mf).
Oedothorax agrestis longipes (Simon, 1884) | m | Switzerland     []
Gongylidium longipes Simon, 1884a: 496, f. 283-284 (Dm).
Oedothorax longipes Lessert, 1910b: 193, f. 115-116 (m; under the heading Oedothorax agrestris, apparently regarding O. longipes as S of O. agrestis).
Oedothorax agrestis longipes Simon, 1926: 453, 523.
Oedothorax annulatus Wunderlich, 1974 | f | Nepal     []
Oedothorax annulatus Wunderlich, 1974a: 185, f. 59-61 (Df).
'Oedothorax' annulatus Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 541 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax apicatus (Blackwall, 1850) | m f | Europe, Turkey, Caucasus, Russia (Europe to South Siberia), Kazakhstan, Iran, Central Asia, China     []
Neriene apicata Blackwall, 1850: 339 (Dm).
Erigone gibbicollis Westring, 1851: 41 (Dm) [].
Micryphantes tuberculatus Grube, 1859: 469 (Dm) [].
Erigone gibbicollis Westring, 1861: 223 (Df).
Neriene apicata Blackwall, 1864a: 269, pl. 18, f, 183 (m, Df).
Micryphantes gibbus Ohlert, 1867: 65 (Dm).
Phalops gibbicollis Menge, 1871: 220, pl. 43, f. 119 (mf).
Erigone apicata Thorell, 1871a: 112 (S of Erigone gibbicollis and Micryphantes tuberculatus).
Erigone apicata Dahl, 1883: 46.
Gongylidium apicatum Simon, 1884a: 487, f. 267-269 (mf, S of Erigone gibbicollis confirmed).
Neriene apicata Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 93, pl. 4, f. 1 (mf).
Neriene apicata Simon, 1894a: 666, f. 719 (m).
Kulczskiellum apicatum F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1895a: 39 (lapsus).
Gongylidium apicatum Becker, 1896: 86, pl. 11, f. 2 (mf).
Kulczynskiellum apicatum Bösenberg, 1902: 169, pl. 15, f. 227 (mf).
Oedothorax apicatus Lessert, 1910b: 191.
Stylothorax apicata Dahl, 1912b: 603.
Oedothorax apicatus Denis, 1947d: 145, f. 2A, 3-5, 6F, 7C, 8C, 9C, 10D, 11C (mf).
Oedothorax apicatus Locket & Millidge, 1953: 241, f. 145F, 146F, 147G-H (mf).
Oedothorax apicatus Wiehle, 1960a: 437, f. 798-806 (mf).
Oedothorax apicatus Wiehle, 1960c: 477, f. 22a-b (mf).
Oedothorax apicatus Tystshenko, 1971: 251, f. 830 (f).
Oedothorax apicatus Miller, 1971: 262, pl. LIV, f. 7-9 (f).
Oedothorax apicatus Palmgren, 1976: 88, f. 7.23, 8.3, 7-8 (m).
Oedothorax apicatus Millidge, 1977: 11, f. 24 (m).
Oedothorax apicatus Růžička, 1978: 195, f. 8A, 9A (f).
Oedothorax apicatus Hu & Wang, 1982: 63, f. I.1-4 (m).
Oedothorax apicatus Hu, 1984: 196, f. 206.1-4 (mf).
Oedothorax apicatus Bosmans, 1985b: 65, f. 14, 19, 37 (m).
Oedothorax apicatus Song, 1987: 153, f. 114 (mf).
Oedothorax apicatus Roberts, 1987: 58, f. 22f, 23d (mf).
Oedothorax apicatus Hu & Wu, 1989: 174, f. 144.1-6 (mf).
Oedothorax apicatus Tanasevitch, 1990: 102, f. 24.61, 28.4 (f).
Oedothorax apicatus Chen & Gao, 1990: 111, f. 139a-b (mf).
Oedothorax apicatus Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 224, f. 602 (mf).
Oedothorax apicatus Alderweireldt, 1992a: 5, f. 1b (f).
Oedothorax apicatus Zhao, 1993: 191, f. 86a-d (mf).
Oedothorax apicatus Zhao, 1995: 907, f. 423a-d (mf).
Oedothorax apicatus Wunderlich, 1995d: 473, f. 7 (m).
Oedothorax apicatus Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 199, f. 113D-E, H (mf).
Oedothorax apicatus Hu, 2001: 550, f. 370.1-3 (f).
Oedothorax apicatus Russell-Smith, 2016c: 23, f. 3 (f).
Oedothorax apicatus Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 435, f. 7R, 8D, 9D, 12A-H, S1D (mf).
Oedothorax apicatus Domichan & Sunil Jose, 2022b: 76, f. 1A-B, 2A-B (f; N.B.: presumably misidentified).
Oedothorax banksi Strand, 1906 | f | USA (Alaska)     []
Gongylidium sp. Banks, 1900b: 480.
Oedothorax banksi Strand, 1906a: 445 (Df).
'Oedothorax' banksi Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 451 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax biantu Zhao & Li, 2014 | f | China     []
Oedothorax biantu Zhao & Li, 2014b: 36, f. 67A-F, 68A-B (Df).
'Oedothorax' biantu Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 542 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax bifoveatus Tanasevitch, 2017 | m f | Malaysia (Borneo), Indonesia (Java)     []
Oedothorax bifoveatus Tanasevitch, 2017b: 148, f. 31-34, 46-51 (Dmf).
'Oedothorax' bifoveatus Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 542 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax caporiaccoi Roewer, 1942 | m | India (Karakorum)     []
Oedothorax dubius Caporiacco, 1935b: 171, pl. 1, f. 23 (Dm; preoccupied by Schenkel, 1929, see Sciastes carli) [].
Oedothorax caporiaccoi Roewer, 1942a: 640 (replacement name).
'Oedothorax' caporiaccoi Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 542 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax cascadeus Chamberlin, 1949 | f | USA     []
Oedothorax cascadeus Chamberlin, 1949: 540, f. 77-78 (Df).
'Oedothorax' cascadeus Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 543 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax cheruthoniensis Domichan & Sunil Jose, 2021 | f | India     []
Oedothorax cheruthoniensis Domichan & Sunil Jose, 2021: 168, f. 3A-D (Df).
Oedothorax collinus Ma & Zhu, 1991 | m f | China     []
Oedothorax collinus Ma & Zhu, 1991a: 27, f. 1-9 (Dmf).
Oedothorax collinus Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 199, f. 113F-G, N (mf).
Oedothorax collinus Yin et al., 2012: 542, f. 258a-e (mf).
'Oedothorax' collinus Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 543 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax collinus Irfan et al., 2025: 120, f. 162A-D, 163A-C, 164A-D (mf).
Oedothorax cruciferoides Tanasevitch, 2020 | m | Nepal     []
Oedothorax cruciferoides Tanasevitch, 2020e: 285, f. 1-3, 12-17 (Dm).
'Oedothorax' cruciferoides Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 543 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax cunur Tanasevitch, 2015 | m f | India     []
Oedothorax cunur Tanasevitch, 2015: 383, f. 26-34 (Dmf).
'Oedothorax' cunur Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 544, f. 7E, 67F, 68F, 75A-K (mf, incertae sedis, more closely related to Atypena).
Oedothorax fortis Irfan, Zhang & Peng, 2025 | m f | China     []
Oedothorax fortis Irfan, Zhang & Peng, in Irfan et al., 2025: 125, f. 165A-D, 166A-B, 167A-C, 168A-E (Dmf).
Oedothorax fuscus (Blackwall, 1834) | m f | Azores, Europe, North Africa     []
Neriene fusca Blackwall, 1834b: 382 (Dmf).
Erigone simplex Westring, 1851: 44 (Dmf) [].
Neriene fusca Blackwall, 1864a: 275, pl. 19, f. 189, pl. 12, f. 1 (mf).
Microneta tessellata Menge, 1871: 230, pl. 45, f. 129 (mf; misidentified per Thorell, 1871a: 125).
Erigone fusca Thorell, 1871a: 125 (S of Erigone simplex).
Erigone tarsalis Thorell, 1875a: 90 (Dm) [].
Erigone tarsalis Thorell, 1875c: 43 (Dm).
Neriene agrestis O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879d: 115 (m; misidentified per Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 94).
Erigone marina L. Koch, 1882: 629, f. 7 (Df) [].
Erigone commutabilis Dahl, 1883: 50, f. 32 (Dm) [].
Gongylidium retusum Simon, 1884a: 481, f. 258-260 (mf; misidentified per Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 94).
Gongylidium tarsale Simon, 1884a: 483.
Neriene tarsalis van Hasselt, 1885b: 166.
Neriene fusca Dahl, 1886: 78 (S of Erigone commutabilis).
Neriene fusca Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 94, pl. 4, f. 4 (mf).
Neriene fusca Simon, 1894a: 666, f. 718, 736 (mf).
Kulczynskiellum fuscum F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894a: 367.
Kulczskiellum fuscum F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1895a: 39 (lapsus).
Gongylidium fuscum Becker, 1896: 82, pl. 9, f. 5 (mf).
Gongylidium gibbum O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1901a: 33 (Df) [].
Kulczynskiellum fuscum Bösenberg, 1902: 170, pl. 15, f. 229 (mf).
Oedothorax gibbus Smith, 1904: 110.
Stylothorax fusca Dahl, 1912b: 603.
Stylothorax gibba Reimoser, 1919: 72.
Stylothorax tarsalis Reimoser, 1919: 73.
Oedothorax fuscus Simon, 1926: 453, 523, f. 783 (mf).
Oedothorax fuscus Denis, 1947d: 140, f. 1B, 2C, 6H, 7F, 8F, 9A, 10A-B, 11A (mf, S of Oedothorax gibbus).
Oedothorax fuscus Millidge, 1951: 551, f. 2A (f).
Oedothorax fuscus Locket & Millidge, 1953: 240, f. 145B, 146C, 147A-B (mf).
Oedothorax fuscus Wiehle, 1960a: 449, f. 827-834 (mf).
Oedothorax fuscus Tystshenko, 1971: 251, f. 828 (f).
Oedothorax fuscus Miller, 1971: 262, pl. LIV, f. 13-16 (mf).
Oedothorax fuscus Millidge, 1975c: 120, f. 10 (f).
Oedothorax fuscus Palmgren, 1976: 87, f. 7.12, 18-21 (mf).
Oedothorax fuscus Růžička, 1978: 195, f. 8G (f).
Oedothorax fuscus van Helsdingen, 1978b: 194 (S of Oedothorax tarsalis).
Oedothorax fuscus Bosmans, 1985b: 59, f. 13, 23, 30 (m).
Oedothorax fuscus Roberts, 1987: 57, f. 22c, 23a (mf).
Oedothorax fuscus Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 224, f. 605 (mf).
Oedothorax fuscus Alderweireldt, 1992a: 5, f. 1a (f).
Oedothorax fuscus Bosmans & Van Keer, 2012a: 8, f. 4-5 (f, S of Erigone marina).
Oedothorax fuscus Russell-Smith, 2016c: 24, f. 4 (f).
Oedothorax fuscus Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 440, f. 7W, 8I, 9I, 14A-G, S1H (mf).
Oedothorax gibbifer (Kulczyński, 1882) | m f | Europe     []
Erigone gibbifera Kulczyński, 1882a: 17 (Dmf).
Erigone gibbifera Kulczyński, 1882b: 21, pl. 2, f. 13 (Dmf).
Gongylidium cantalicum Simon, 1884a: 480, f. 255-257 (Dmf) [].
Gongylidium gibbiferum Simon, 1884a: 499.
Neriene gibbifera Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 94, pl. 4, f. 3 (mf).
Stylothorax gibbifera Reimoser, 1919: 72.
Stylothorax cantalica Reimoser, 1919: 72.
Oedothorax cantalicus Simon, 1926: 453, 523.
Oedothorax gibbifer Ovsyannikov, 1937: 90, f. 2 (f).
Oedothorax gibbifer Denis, 1947d: 138, f. 2B, 6E, 7E, 8E, 9D, 10F, 11E (mf, S of Oedothorax cantalicus).
Oedothorax gibbifer Vogelsanger, 1948: 54, f. 6-8 (mf).
Oedothorax gibbifer Miller, 1971: 262, pl. LIV, f. 10-12 (f).
Oedothorax gibbifer Růžička, 1978: 195, f. 8C-D, 9C (f).
Oedothorax gibbifer Thaler, 1978a: 186, f. 15-17 (m).
Oedothorax gibbifer Bosmans, 1985b: 65, f. 12, 28, 34 (m).
Oedothorax gibbifer Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 224, f. 604 (mf).
Oedothorax gibbifer Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 443, f. 7Q, 8C, 9C, 15A-J, S1C (mf).
Oedothorax gibbosus (Blackwall, 1841) * | m f | Europe, Turkey, Russia (Europe to South Siberia)     []
Neriene gibbosa Blackwall, 1841a: 653 (Dmf).
Neriene tuberosa Blackwall, 1841a: 654 (Dm) [].
Argus gibbosus Walckenaer, 1847a: 513.
Argus tuberosus Walckenaer, 1847a: 514.
Neriene tuberosa Blackwall, 1864a: 279, pl. 19, f. 192 (m).
Erigone tuberosa Thorell, 1873: 447.
Neriene gibbosa O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873b: 455, pl. 34, f. 20.
Erigone henkingi Dahl, 1883: 49, f. 29-30 (Dm) [].
Gongylidium gibbosum Simon, 1884a: 489, f. 270-272 (mf).
Gongylidium tuberosum Simon, 1884a: 490, f. 273-275 (m, Df).
Neriene henkingi Dahl, 1886: 88.
Neriene gibbosa Simon, 1894a: 666, f. 720 (m).
Kulczskiellum gibbosum F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1895a: 39 (lapsus).
Kulczskiellum tuberosum F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1895a: 39 (lapsus).
Gongylidium gibbosum Becker, 1896: 86, pl. 9, f. 7K (mf).
Gongylidium gibbosum Smith, 1901b: 108, p. 9: 2a-b (m).
Kulczynskiellum tuberosum Bösenberg, 1902: 171, pl. 15, f. 232 (mf).
Oedothorax gibbosus Bösenberg, 1902: 213, pl. 19, f. 300 (mf).
Stylothorax gibbosa Reimoser, 1919: 72.
Stylothorax henkingi Reimoser, 1919: 72.
Stylothorax tuberosa Reimoser, 1919: 73.
Oedothorax gibbosus Simon, 1926: 451, 522, f. 785 (mf).
Oedothorax tuberosus Simon, 1926: 452, 522.
Oedothorax gibbosus Bishop & Crosby, 1935c: 264, pl. 22, f. 70-73 (mf).
Oedothorax gibbosus Denis, 1947d: 138, f. 6A, 7A, 8A, 9F, 10G-H, 11F (mf).
Oedothorax tuberosus Denis, 1947d: 138, f. 1A, 6B-C, 7B, 8B, 9G, 10I-K, 11G (mf).
Oedothorax gibbosus Locket & Millidge, 1953: 239, f. 145A, 146A, G-H (mf).
Oedothorax tuberosus Locket & Millidge, 1953: 239, f. 145A, 146B, G-H (mf).
Oedothorax tuberosus Wiehle, 1960a: 454, f. 835-842 (mf, S of Oedothorax henkingi).
Oedothorax tuberosus Tystshenko, 1971: 251, f. 829 (f).
Oedothorax tuberosus Miller, 1971: 262, pl. LIV, f. 4-6 (f).
Oedothorax gibbosus Palmgren, 1976: 89, f. 8.9-12, 14-15 (mf).
Oedothorax tuberosus Palmgren, 1976: 89, f. 8.9, 13-15 (f).
Oedothorax gibbosus Růžička, 1978: 195, f. 8H-I (f).
Oedothorax gibbosus Bosmans, 1985b: 65, f. 11, 25, 31 (m).
Oedothorax gibbosus Roberts, 1987: 57, f. 21e, 22b (mf).
Oedothorax gibbosus tuberosus Roberts, 1987: 57, f. 21f-g (downgraded to "form").
Oedothorax gibbosus de Keer & Maelfait, 1988: 3 (S of Oedothorax gibbosus tuberosus).
Oedothorax gibbosus Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 224, f. 601 (mf).
Oedothorax gibbosus Hormiga, 2000: 48, f. 21A-G, pl. 49A-F, 50A-F, 51A-F (mf).
Oedothorax gibbosus Tanasevitch, 2015: 382, f. 1-2 (m).
Oedothorax gibbosus Russell-Smith, 2016c: 22, f. 1 (f).
Oedothorax gibbosus Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 428, f. 6A-H, 7O, 8A, 9A, S1A (mf).
Oedothorax howardi Petrunkevitch, 1925 | f | USA     []
Oedothorax howardi Petrunkevitch, 1925c: 174, pl. 8, f. 6-9 (Df).
'Oedothorax' howardi Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 544 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax japonicus Kishida, 1910 | m f | Japan     []
Oedothorax japonicus Kishida, 1910a: 6 (Dmf).
'Oedothorax' japonicus Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 546 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax khasi Tanasevitch, 2017 | m | India     []
Oedothorax khasi Tanasevitch, 2017g: 331, f. 1-7 (Dm).
'Oedothorax' khasi Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 546 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax kodaikanal Tanasevitch, 2015 | m | India     []
Oedothorax kodaikanal Tanasevitch, 2015: 386, f. 44-50 (Dm).
'Oedothorax' kodaikanal Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 546, f. 7D, 67E, 68E, 76A-G (m, incertae sedis).
Oedothorax limatus Crosby, 1905 | f | USA     []
Oedothorax limatus Crosby, 1905a: 311, 335, pl. 29, f. 6 (Df).
'Oedothorax' limatus Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 548 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax mangsima Tanasevitch, 2020 | m | Nepal     []
Oedothorax mangsima Tanasevitch, 2020e: 287, f. 5-7, 23-27 (Dm).
'Oedothorax' mangsima Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 548 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax meghalaya Tanasevitch, 2015 | m | India     []
Oedothorax meghalaya Tanasevitch, 2015: 389, f. 61-69 (Dm).
'Oedothorax' meghalaya Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 548, f. 19A, 22A, 24A, 77A-E (m, incertae sedis).
Oedothorax meridionalis Tanasevitch, 1987 | m f | Caucasus, Russia (Caucasus, Central Asia), Iran, Central Asia     []
Oedothorax meridionalis Tanasevitch, 1987a: 355, f. 107-110 (Dmf).
Oedothorax meridionalis Tanasevitch, 1990: 102, f. 23.6, 24.3, 28.3 (mf).
Oedothorax meridionalis Tanasevitch, 2015: 382, f. 3-6 (m).
Oedothorax meridionalis Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 444, f. 7U, 8G, 9G, 10A-G, S1F (mf).
Oedothorax myanmar Tanasevitch, 2017 | m | Myanmar     []
Oedothorax myanmar Tanasevitch, 2017a: 339, f. 6-7, 43-47 (Dm).
'Oedothorax' myanmar Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 550 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax nazareti Scharff, 1989 | m f | Ethiopia     []
Oedothorax nazareti Scharff, 1989: 15, f. 7-12 (Dm).
Oedothorax nazareti Tanasevitch, 2015: 382, f. 7 (m).
'Oedothorax' nazareti Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 550, f. 7I, 67J, 68J, 78A-I, 5SM (m, Df, incertae sedis).
Oedothorax paludigena Simon, 1926 | m f | Spain, France (incl. Corsica), Italy (incl. Sardinia), Albania, Greece     []
Oedothorax fuscus paludigena Simon, 1926: 453, 523 (Dm).
Oedothorax fuscus paludigena Denis, 1947d: 142, f. 6I, 7G, 8G (m).
Oedothorax paludigena Millidge, 1975c: 120, f. 1-9 (m, Df, elevated from subspecies).
Oedothorax paludigena Bosmans, 1985b: 65, f. 17, 24, 35 (m).
Oedothorax paludigenus Canard & Cruveillier, 2016: 44 (proposed correction of gender ending not accepted, as the original species epithet ending in -gena is considered an adjective of common gender, with identical form for male and female, in accordance with classical Latin usage).
Oedothorax paludigena Pantini & Mazzoleni, 2018: 35, f. 6a-e (mf).
Oedothorax paludigena Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 446, f. 7T, 8F, 9F, 13A-I (mf).
Oedothorax paracymbialis Tanasevitch, 2015 | m | India     []
Oedothorax paracymbialis Tanasevitch, 2015: 389, f. 70-74 (Dm).
'Oedothorax' paracymbialis Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 552, f. 7C, 67D, 68D, 79A-F (m, incertae sedis).
Oedothorax retusus (Westring, 1851) | m f | Europe, Turkey, Caucasus, Russia (Europe to north-eastern Siberia), Kazakhstan, China, India?     []
Erigone retusa Westring, 1851: 41 (Dmf).
Neriene elevata O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1862: 7966 (Dmf) [].
Tmeticus foveolatus Menge, 1868: 186, pl. 35, f. 86 (Dmf) [].
Erigone retusa Thorell, 1871a: 125 (S of Neriene elevata and Tmeticus foveolatus).
Neriene retusa O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873b: 451.
Gongylidium fuscum Simon, 1884a: 478, f. 252-254 (mf; misidentified per Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 94).
Neriene retusa Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 94, pl. 4, f. 2 (mf).
Kulczskiellum retusum F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1895a: 39 (lapsus).
Gongylidium retusum Becker, 1896: 84, pl. 9, f. 6 (mf).
Kulczynskiellum retusum Bösenberg, 1902: 170, pl. 15, f. 230 (mf).
Oedothorax retusus Lessert, 1910b: 192.
Kulczynskiellum retusum Fedotov, 1912b: 454, pl. 8, f. 2 (f).
Stylothorax retusa Dahl, 1912b: 603.
Oedothorax retusus Denis, 1947d: 145, f. 6D, 7D, 8D, 9E, 10E, 11D (mf).
Oedothorax retusus Vogelsanger, 1948: 53, f. 9 (f).
Oedothorax retusus Locket & Millidge, 1953: 241, f. 145D-E, 146E, 147E-F (mf).
Oedothorax retusus Wiehle, 1960a: 440, f. 807-816 (mf).
Oedothorax retusus Holm, 1962: 165, f. 61c-d (m).
Oedothorax retusus Tystshenko, 1971: 251, f. 820, 831 (mf).
Oedothorax retusus Miller, 1971: 262, pl. LIV, f. 20-22 (f).
Oedothorax retusus Palmgren, 1976: 88, f. 7.22, 8.1-2, 4-6 (mf).
Oedothorax retusus Růžička, 1978: 195, f. 8B, 9B (f).
Oedothorax retusus Hu & Wang, 1982: 63, f. II.1-4 (f).
Oedothorax retusus Hu, 1984: 199, f. 209.1-4 (f).
Oedothorax retusus Bosmans, 1985b: 65, f. 15, 20, 32 (m).
Oedothorax retusus Roberts, 1987: 57, f. 22e, 23c (mf).
Oedothorax retusus Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 224, f. 603 (mf).
Oedothorax retusus Alderweireldt, 1992a: 5, f. 1c (f).
Oedothorax retusus Zhao, 1993: 199, f. 90a-c (f).
Oedothorax retusus Zhao, 1995: 915, f. 427a-c (f).
Oedothorax retusus Uhl, Nessler & Schneider, 2010: 77, f. 1E-F (f).
Oedothorax retusus Uhl et al., 2014: 348, f. 1A-F (mf).
Oedothorax retusus Kunz, Witthuhn & Uhl, 2015: 279, f. 1a-h, 2a-j (mf).
Oedothorax retusus Russell-Smith, 2016c: 23, f. 2 (f).
Oedothorax retusus Domichan & Sunil Jose, 2021: 168, f. 2A-C (f; N.B.: presumably misidentified).
Oedothorax retusus Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 447, f. 7S, 8E, 9E, 16A-H, S1E (mf).
Oedothorax retusus Seropian et al., 2023: 252, f. S2 (f).
Oedothorax sexmaculatus Saito & Ono, 2001 | m f | Japan     []
Oedothorax sexmaculatus Saito & Ono, 2001: 5, f. 5-9 (Dmf).
Oedothorax sexmaculatus Ono, Matsuda & Saito, 2009: 284, f. 343-347 (mf).
'Oedothorax' sexmaculatus Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 553 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax sohra Tanasevitch, 2020 | m | India     []
Oedothorax sohra Tanasevitch, 2020b: 129, f. 4-6, 13-18 (Dm).
'Oedothorax' sohra Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 553 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax stylus Tanasevitch, 2015 | m f | India     []
Oedothorax stylus Tanasevitch, 2015: 393, f. 83-85 (Dmf).
'Oedothorax' stylus Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 554, f. 7f, 67g, 68g, 80A-H (mf, incertae sedis).
Oedothorax tingitanus (Simon, 1884) | m f | Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia     []
Gongylidium tingitanum Simon, 1884a: 483 (Dm).
Neriene insolens Simon, 1894a: 633 (Dm) [].
Stylothorax tingitana Reimoser, 1919: 73.
Oedothorax tingitanus Denis, 1968d: 151, f. 11-15 (mf).
Oedothorax tingitanus Bosmans, 1985b: 59, f. 1-3, 22, 36 (mf, S of Oedothorax insolens).
Oedothorax tingitanus Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 448, f. 7X, 8J, 9J, 11A-H, S1I (mf).
Oedothorax trilineatus Saito, 1934 | f | Japan     []
Oedothorax trilineatus Saito, 1934b: 311, pl. 13, f. 18, pl. 15, f. 61 (Df).
Oedothorax trilineatus Saito, 1959: 79, f. 84a-c (f).
'Oedothorax' trilineatus Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 556 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax trilobatus (Banks, 1896) | m f | Russia (Kamchatka), Canada, USA     []
Dicyphus trilobatus Banks, 1896a: 64 (Dm).
Hypomma trilobata Crosby, 1905a: 310.
Lophocarenum trilobatum Emerton, 1909: 191, pl. 3, f. 1 (m).
Oedothorax trilobatus Bishop & Crosby, 1935c: 268, pl. 22, f. 7-8 (m, Df).
Oedothorax trilobatus Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 115, f. 1190-1193 (mf).
Oedothorax trilobatus Marusik, Ryabukhin & Kuzminykh, 2010: 287, f. 3-11 (mf).
Oedothorax trilobatus Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 450, f. 7P, 8B, 9B, 17A-G, S1B (mf).
Oedothorax unciger Tanasevitch, 2020 | m | India     []
Oedothorax unciger Tanasevitch, 2020b: 127, f. 1-3, 7-12 (Dm).
Oedothorax unciger Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 556 (incertae sedis).
Oedothorax uncus Tanasevitch, 2015 | m f | India     []
Oedothorax uncus Tanasevitch, 2015: 393, f. 86-88 (Dmf).
'Oedothorax' uncus Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 556, f. 19b, 22b, 24b, 81A-I (mf, incertae sedis).
Oedothorax veloorensis Domichan & Sunil Jose, 2021 | f | India     []
Oedothorax veloorensis Domichan & Sunil Jose, 2021: 167, f. 1A-C (Df).