Taxon details

Arctosa cinerea (Fabricius, 1777)

  • Rank: Species (Genus type)
  • Status: accepted
  • Described: m f
  • Last updated: 2024-06-25
  • LSID: []
  • Distribution: Europe, North Africa, Congo, Caucasus, Russia (Europe to Far East), Middle East, Kazakhstan, China, Korea, Japan
Type deposit provide information
  • Holotype: ; Aranea cinerea Fabricius, 1777 - type material probably lost or destroyed (Zimsen, 1964)
Taxonomic references
Aranea cinerea Fabricius, 1777: 249 (D).
Aranea cinerea Olivier, 1789: 219 (D).
Aranea cinerea Fabricius, 1793: 423 (D).
Aranea allodroma Walckenaer, 1802: 238 (D) [].
Lycosa cinerea Sundevall, 1833a: 190 (Dmf).
Lycosa lynx Hahn, 1833a: v. 2: 13, f. 104 (Df) [].
Lycosa leucophaea Blackwall, 1837: 104 (Dmf) [].
Lycosa allodroma Walckenaer, 1837: 330 (Df).
Lycosa allodroma C. L. Koch, 1838: 106, f. 410-411 (mf).
Lycosa pilipes Lucas, 1846: 109, pl. 2, f. 8 (Dmf) [].
Arctosa cinerea C. L. Koch, 1847: 123, f. 1358 (f).
Lycosa allodroma Blackwall, 1861a: 23, pl. 1, f. 7 (mf).
Arctosa allodroma Simon, 1864: 346.
Arctosa halodroma Ohlert, 1867: 145 (lapsus).
Trochosa cinerea Thorell, 1870b: 192.
Lycosa cinerea Thorell, 1872a: 332 (S of Lycosa allodroma, L. leucophaea and L. lynx).
Arctosa cinerea Menge, 1879: 516, pl. 84, f. 292 (mf).
Trochosa cinerea Hansen, 1882: 72, pl. 5, f. 4 (mf).
Lycosa cinerea Becker, 1882b: 107, pl. 8, f. 7 (mf).
Trochosa cinerea Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1891: 73, pl. 3, f. 10 (mf).
Trochosa cinerea Bösenberg, 1903: 401, pl. 38, f. 589 (mf).
Trochosa cinerea Montgomery, 1904: 305 (S of Lycosa maritima; rejected by Chamberlin, 1924b: 673, see Arctosa littoralis).
Arctosa cinerea Dahl, 1908: 309, 312, f. 40 (mf).
Tarentula pilipes Strand, 1908k: 332, pl. 8, f. 9-10 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Petrunkevitch, 1911: 551 (S of Lycosa littoralis; revalidated by Chamberlin, 1924b: 673).
Arctosa cinerea Fedotov, 1912a: 108, f. 52 (f).
Arctosa cinerea Dahl & Dahl, 1927: 70, f. 181-182 (mf).
Trochosa cinerea Peelle & Saito, 1933: 122, f. 9.
Lycosa cinerea Simon, 1937: 1113, 1138, f. 1748 (m, f f. 1749 see Arctosa similis; S of Lycosa pilipes; probable S of A. maculata, accepted by Roewer, 1955c: 228, revalidated by Lugetti & Tongiorgi, 1965: 197).
Arctosa cinerea Palmgren, 1939: 73, f. 116-119 (mf).
Lycosa cinerea Machado, 1941: xv (S of Arctosa similis, revalidated by Buchar, Knoflach & Thaler, 2006: 334).
Arctosa cinerea Holm, 1947: 20, pl. 4, f. 38-39, pl. 9, f. 19 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Locket & Millidge, 1951: 285, f. 137A, 138D (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Knülle, 1959: 254, f. 1, 7 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Roewer, 1960d: 600, f. 333a-b (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Mikulska, 1963: 221, f. 4-5 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Lugetti & Tongiorgi, 1965: 171, f. I.1-4 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Guy, 1966: 91, f. 26-46 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Azheganova, 1968: 33, f. 47-48 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Azheganova, 1971: 9, f. 8 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Tystshenko, 1971: 172, f. 517, 525 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Fuhn & Niculescu-Burlacu, 1971: 176, f. 86a-e (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Miller, 1971: 164, pl. XXV, f. 24-25 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Loksa, 1972: 56, f. 49A-B, 50A-B (mf).
Hyaenosa invasa Savelyeva, 1972b: 461, f. 3d-e (Dm) [].
Arctosa cinerea Dondale & Redner, 1983a: 1, f. 1-4 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Roberts, 1985: 148, f. 64d (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Zyuzin, 1985a: 44, f. 12.
Arctosa cinerea Tanaka, 1988b: 5, f. 1-6 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Chikuni, 1989b: 111, f. 11 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Tanaka, 1991: 291, f. 1-4 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 320, f. 852 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Roberts, 1995: 229, f. (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Buchar & Thaler, 1995a: 485, f. 5 (m).
Arctosa cinerea Zyuzin, in Mikhailov, 1996: 104 (S of Hyaenosa invasa).
Arctosa cinerea Mcheidze, 1997: 221, f. 463-464 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Bellmann, 1997: 160, f. (f).
Arctosa cinerea Roberts, 1998: 247, f. (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Thaler, Buchar & Knoflach, 2000: 1075, f. 48 (m).
Arctosa cinerea Almquist, 2005: 200, f. 201a-k (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Buchar, Knoflach & Thaler, 2006: 332, f. 1-2, 9, 11, 17-18, 25-26, 31 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Tanaka, 2009: 230, f. 52-53 (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Wang, Marusik & Zhang, 2012: 67, f. 12A-E (mf).
Arctosa cinerea Kim et al., 2013a: 18, f. 1, 2a-d (f; "uncertain" after Yoo et al., 2015: 5).

Almquist, S. (2005). Swedish Araneae, part 1 – families Atypidae to Hahniidae (Linyphiidae excluded). Insect Systematics & Evolution, Supplement 62: 1-284. download pdf download pdf -- Show included taxa

Azheganova, N. S. (1968). Kratkii opredelitel' paukov (Aranei) lesnoi i lesostepnoi zony SSSR. Akademia Nauk SSSR, 149 pp. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Azheganova, N. S. (1971). Pauki-volki (Lycosidae): Permskoi oblasti. Ministerstvo prosveshcheniya RSFSR, Perm, pp. 1-21. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Becker, L. (1882b). Les arachnides de Belgique, première partie. Annales du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 10: 1-246, pl. 1-27. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.48721 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Bellmann, H. (1997). Kosmos-Atlas Spinnentiere Europas. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart, 304 pp. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Blackwall, J. (1837). Characters of a new genus and some undescribed species of Araneidae. London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science (3) 10(59): 100-105. doi:10.1080/14786443208647870 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Blackwall, J. (1861a). A history of the spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. [Part I]. Ray Society, London, pp. 1-174, pl. 1-12. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.143674 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Bösenberg, W. (1903). Die Spinnen Deutschlands. V, VI. Zoologica (Stuttgart) 14(5-6): 385-465, pl. 37-43. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.6508 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Buchar, J. & Thaler, K. (1995a). Die Wolfspinnen von Österreich 2: Gattungen Arctosa, Tricca, Trochosa (Arachnida, Araneida: Lycosidae) - Faunistisch-tiergeographische Übersicht. Carinthia II 185/105: 481-498. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Buchar, J., Knoflach, B. & Thaler, K. (2006). On the identity of Arctosa varians C. L. Koch and Arctosa similis Schenkel, with notes on related species. Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 13(9): 329-336. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Chikuni, Y. (1989b). Pictorial encyclopedia of spiders in Japan. Kaisei-sha Publishing Co., Tokyo, 310 pp. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Chyzer, C. & Kulczyński, W. (1891). Araneae Hungariae. Tomus I. Academia Scientarum Hungaricae, Budapest, 170 pp., 4 Pls. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Dahl, F. (1908). Die Lycosiden oder Wolfspinnen Deutschlands und ihre Stellung im Haushalt der Natur. Nach statistischen Untersuchungen dargestellt. Nova Acta, Abhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher 88(3): 175-678. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Dahl, F. & Dahl, M. (1927). Spinnentiere oder Arachnoidea. Lycosidae s. lat. (Wolfspinnen im weiteren Sinne). Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 5: 1-80. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Dondale, C. D. & Redner, J. H. (1983a). Revision of the wolf spiders of the genus Arctosa C. L. Koch in North and Central America (Araneae: Lycosidae). Journal of Arachnology 11: 1-30. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Fabricius, J. C. (1777). Genera insectorum eorumque characteres naturales, secundum numerum, figuram, situm et proportionem omnium partium oris; adjecta mantissa specierum nuper detectarum. Michael Friedrich Bartsch, Chilonii [= Kiel], 310 pp. (Araneae, pp. 152, 249-250). doi:10.5962/bhl.title.12286 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Fabricius, J. C. (1793). Entomologiae systematica emendata et aucta, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species adjectis synonimis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. Tom. II. Christian Gottlieb Proft, Hafniae [= Copenhagen], 519 pp. [Aranea pp. 407-428]. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.122153 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Fedotov, D. (1912a). Materialy k faounié paukow Twerskoï gouberny. Berichte der Biologischen Süßwasserstation der Kaiserlichen Naturforschergesellschaft zu St. Petersburg 3: 53-134. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Fuhn, I. E. & Niculescu-Burlacu, F. (1971). Fam. Lycosidae. Fauna Republicii Socialiste România (Arachnida) 5(3): 1-253. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Guy, Y. (1966). Contribution à l'étude des araignées de la famille des Lycosidae et de la sous-famille des Lycosinae avec étude spéciale des espèces du Maroc. Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique Chérifien et de la Faculté des Sciences, Série Zoologie, Rabat 33: 1-174. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Hahn, C. W. (1833a). Die Arachniden. C. H. Zeh'sche Buchhandlung, Nürnberg, Erster Band, pp. 77-129, pl. 19-36 (f. 57-95); Zweiter Band, pp. 1-16, pl. 37-47 (f. 96-105). [for the correct year of publication see Brignoli, 1985b] doi:10.5962/bhl.title.43744 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Hansen, H. J. (1882). Spindeldyr. In: Schiödte, J. C. (ed.) Zoologia Danica. Kjöbenhavn 3, 1-81, I-V. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Heimer, S. & Nentwig, W. (1991). Spinnen Mitteleuropas: Ein Bestimmungsbuch. Paul Parey, Berlin, 543 pp. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Holm, Å. (1947). Svensk spindelfauna 3. Egentliga spindlar. Araneae. Fam. 8-10 [Oxyopidae, Lycosidae, Pisauridae]. Stockholm, 48 pp., pl. 1-10. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Kim, J. P., Ye, S. H., Chae, J. H., Sung, M. K., Lee, J. J. & Park, J. E. (2013a). Two new record species of the genus Arctosa C. L. Koch, 1847 (Araneae: Lycosidae) from Korea. Korean Arachnology 29: 17-22. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Knülle, W. (1959). Über italienische Arctosa-Arten (Araneae: Lycosidae). Archivio Zoologico Italiano 45: 251-270. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Koch, C. L. (1838). Die Arachniden. C. H. Zeh'sche Buchhandlung, Nürnberg, Vierter Band, pp. 109-144, pl. 139-144 (f. 319-339); Fünfter Band, pp. 1-124, pl. 145-174 (f. 340-417). [for the correct year of publication see Brignoli, 1985b] doi:10.5962/bhl.title.43744 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Koch, C. L. (1847). Die Arachniden. J. L. Lotzbeck, Nürnberg, Vierzehnter Band, pp. 89-210, pl. 481-504 (f. 1343-1412); Fünfzehnter Band, pp. 1-136, pl. 505-540 (f. 1413-1504); Sechszehnter und letzter Band, pp. 1-80, pl. 541-563 (f. 1505-1550), Index 64 pp. [for the correct year of publication see Brignoli, 1985b] doi:10.5962/bhl.title.43744 download pdf download pdf download pdf -- Show included taxa

Locket, G. H. & Millidge, A. F. (1951). British spiders. Vol. I. Ray Society, London, 310 pp. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Loksa, I. (1972). Araneae II. Fauna Hungariae 109: 1-112. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Lucas, H. (1846). Histoire naturelle des animaux articulés. In: Exploration scientifique de l'Algérie pendant les années 1840, 1841, 1842 publiée par ordre du Gouvernement et avec le concours d'une commission académique. Paris, Sciences physiques, Zoologie 1, 89-271, pl. 1-17. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.112444 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Lugetti, G. & Tongiorgi, P. (1965). Revisione delle specie italiane dei generi Arctosa C. L. Koch e Tricca Simon con note su una Acantholycosa delle Alpi Giulie (Araneae-Lycosidae). Redia 49: 165-229. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Machado, A. de B. (1941). Araignées nouvelles pour la faune portugaise (II). Memorias e Estudos do Museu Zoologico da Universidade de Coimbra 117: 1-60. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Mcheidze, T. S. (1997). [Spiders of Georgia: Systematics, Ecology, Zoogeographic Review]. Tbilisi University, 390 pp. (in Georgian). [English version published by Otto (2014) available here] download pdf -- Show included taxa

Menge, A. (1879). Preussische Spinnen. X. Fortsetzung; XI. Fortsetzung und Schluss. Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig (N. F.) 4: 495-542; 543-560. download pdf download pdf -- Show included taxa

Mikhailov, K. G. (1996). A checklist of the spiders of Russia and other territories of the former USSR. Arthropoda Selecta 5(1/2): 75-137. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Mikulska, I. (1963). Cryptic colored spiders in sand dunes of Hel Peninsula. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 33: 221-224. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Miller, F. (1971). Pavouci-Araneida. Klíč zvířeny ČSSR 4: 51-306. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Montgomery, T. H. (1904). Descriptions of North American Araneae of the families Lycosidae and Pisauridae. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 56: 261-323, pl. 18-20. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Ohlert, E. (1867). Die Araneiden oder echten Spinnen der Provinz Preussen. Leipzig, pp. 1-172. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Olivier, G. A. (1789). Araignée, Aranea. In: Encyclopédie Méthodique, Histoire Naturelle, Insectes. Tome quatrième. Panckoucke, Paris, pp. 173-240. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.82248 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Palmgren, P. (1939). Die Spinnenfauna Finnlands. I. Lycosidae. Acta Zoologica Fennica 25: 1-86. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Peelle, M. L. & Saitō, S. (1933). Spiders from the southern Kurile Islands. II. Araneida from Shikotan. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 6, Zoology (6) 2: 109-123. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Petrunkevitch, A. (1911). A synonymic index-catalogue of spiders of North, Central and South America with all adjacent islands, Greenland, Bermuda, West Indies, Terra del Fuego, Galapagos, etc. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 29: 1-791. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Roberts, M. J. (1985). The spiders of Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 1: Atypidae to Theridiosomatidae. Harley Books, Colchester, England, 229 pp. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Roberts, M. J. (1995). Collins Field Guide: Spiders of Britain & Northern Europe. HarperCollins, London, 383 pp. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Roberts, M. J. (1998). Spinnengids. Tirion, Baarn, Netherlands, 397 pp. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Roewer, C. F. (1960d). Araneae Lycosaeformia II (Lycosidae) (Fortsetzung und Schluss). Exploration du Parc National de l'Upemba, Mission G. F. de Witte 55: 519-1040. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Savelyeva, L. G. (1972b). New and little-known species of spiders of the fam. Lycosidae (Aranei) from the East Kazakhstan region. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 51: 454-462. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Simon, E. (1864). Histoire naturelle des araignées (aranéides). Paris, 540 pp. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.47654 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Simon, E. (1937). Les arachnides de France. Synopsis générale et catalogue des espèces françaises de l'ordre des Araneae. Tome VI. 5e et derniére partie. Roret, Paris, pp. 979-1298. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Strand, E. (1908k). Nordafrikanische, hauptsächlich von Carlo Freiherr von Erlanger gesammelte Lycosiden. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 73(I, 3, 1907): 291-376. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Sundevall, C. J. (1833a). Svenska spindlarnes beskrifning. Fortsättning och slut. Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 1832: 172-272. [publ. in 1833, see Blick & Kronestedt, 2000] download pdf -- Show included taxa

Tanaka, H. (1988b). A rare spider of the genus Arctosa C. L. Koch, 1848, (Araneae: Lycosidae) in Japan. Atypus 91: 5-8. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Tanaka, H. (1991). Lycosid spiders of Japan VII. The genus Arctosa C. L. Koch. Sonoda Women's College Studies 25: 289-316. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Tanaka, H. (2009). Lycosidae. In: Ono, H. (ed.) The spiders of Japan with keys to the families and genera and illustrations of the species. Tokai University Press, Kanagawa, pp. 222-248. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Thaler, K., Buchar, J. & Knoflach, B. (2000). Notes on wolf spiders from Greece (Araneae, Lycosidae). Linzer Biologische Beiträge 32: 1071-1091. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Thorell, T. (1870b). On European spiders. Review of the European genera of spiders, preceded by some observations on zoological nomenclature [second part]. Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis (3) 7(II, 1): 109-242. [incl. pp. 1-108 from 1869] download pdf -- Show included taxa

Thorell, T. (1872a). Remarks on synonyms of European spiders. Part III. C. J. Lundström, Uppsala, pp. 229-374. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.69282 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Tystshenko, V. P. (1971). Opredelitel' paukov evropejskoj chasti SSSR. Leningrad, 281 pp. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Walckenaer, C. A. (1802). Faune parisienne. Insectes. Ou histoire abrégée des insectes de environs de Paris, classés d'après le système de Fabricius. Tome seconde. Dentu, Paris, pp. 187-250, 428-430. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.8151 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Walckenaer, C. A. (1837). Histoire naturelle des insectes. Aptères. Tome premier. Roret, Paris, 682 pp., pl. 1-15. [plates in second pdf] doi:10.5962/bhl.title.61095 download pdf download pdf -- Show included taxa

Wang, L. Y., Marusik, Y. M. & Zhang, Z. S. (2012). Notes on three poorly known Arctosa species from China (Araneae: Lycosidae). Zootaxa 3404: 53-68. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3404.1.2 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Zyuzin, A. A. (1985a). Generic and subfamilial criteria in the systematics of the spider family Lycosidae (Aranei), with the description of a new genus and two new subfamilies. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR, Leningrad 139: 40-51, 1 pl. download pdf -- Show included taxa

External Resource References

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As External Resources, the World Spider Catalog links here to species pages of other databases. They may contain further information for the given species. The databases, listed as External Resources, however, are not managed by World Spider Catalog and the information given there is not necessarily in agreement with the World Spider Catalog. All responsibility for such data is with the external database. (2019). GBIF Home Page (via GBIF API). Available from: [1 September 2019]

Nentwig, W., Blick, T., Bosmans, R., Gloor, D., Hänggi, A., Kropf, C.: Spiders of Europe. Version 05.2018. doi: 10.24436/1

Edit history
Date Type Reference Detail
2019-07-15 New taxonomic reference entry Mikhailov, 1996 n/a
2019-07-15 Species synonymy Mikhailov, 1996 Arctosa invasa synonymized with Arctosa cinerea