Taxon details
Hylyphantes graminicola (Sundevall, 1830)
- Rank: Species
- Status: accepted
- Last updated: 2025-01-24
- LSID: []
- Distribution: Europe, Russia (Europe to Far East), Nepal, China, Korea, Japan, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam
- External Resources *:
- Holotype: Museo Civico Storia Naturale G. Doria, Genova (MCSNG), Italy; f of Erigone fasciata (Tanasevitch, 2010c)
- Lectotype: British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)/Natural History Museum (NHMUK), London, UK; m (1971/51) of Erigone birmanica (Tanasevitch, 2014b)
- Paralectotype: British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)/Natural History Museum (NHMUK), London, UK; 8m 38f (1971/51, 52) od Erigone birmanica (Tanasevitch, 2014b)
- Paralectotype: Museum and Institute of Zoology (MIZ), Polish Academy of Science (PAN), Warsaw, Poland; 3m 8f (QR-ARA023435-023445) of Erigone birmanica [N.B.: published as syntypes, but according to the lectotype designation by Tanasevitch, 2014b they have to be counted as paralectotypes] (Wawer, 2021)
Micryphantes rubripes C. L. Koch, 1833: 121, pl. 24.
Theridion rubripes Hahn, 1833a: 92, f. 70 (Dmf) [].
Micryphantes rubripes C. L. Koch, 1838: 121, f. 328-329 (mf).
Argus graminicolis Walckenaer, 1841: 351.
Erigone graminicola Westring, 1851: 43.
Neriene graminicola Blackwall, 1852a: 269.
Erigone graminicola Westring, 1861: 257.
Erigone dentifera Westring, 1861: 261 (Dm) [].
Neriene graminicola Blackwall, 1864a: 272, pl. 19, f. 186 (m).
Tmeticus graminicolus Menge, 1868: 191, pl. 36, f. 90 (mf, S of Micryphantes rubripes).
Erigone decens Thorell, 1871a: 128 (Dm) [].
Gongylidium decens Simon, 1884a: 499.
Gongylidium dentiferum Simon, 1884a: 499.
Gongylidium graminicola Simon, 1884a: 474, f. 247-249 (mf).
Erigone graminicola Simon, 1894a: 669, f. 731 (m).
Erigone birmanica Thorell, 1895b: 111 (Dmf) [].
Gongylidium graminicola Becker, 1896: 79, pl. 9, f. 3 (mf).
Erigone fasciata Thorell, 1898: 316 (Df) [].
Tmeticus graminicola Bösenberg, 1902: 165, pl. 15, f. 224 (mf).
Erigone graminicola Kulczyński, 1902a: 548, pl. 35, f. 31, 65-67 (mf).
Erigonidium graminicolum Smith, 1904: 113.
Erigone hua Dönitz & Strand, in Bösenberg & Strand, 1906: 381, pl. 10, f. 183 (Dm) [].
Tmeticus adeptus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1907: 76, 85, pl. 27, f. 8-11 (Df) [].
Erigonides graminicola Strand, 1907k: 142 (T from Erigone).
Erigonides birmanica Strand, 1907k: 142 (T from Erigone).
Erigone orientalis Simon, 1909e: 100 (Dm) [].
Erigone tonkina Simon, 1909e: 101 (Dm) [].
Erigone graminicola Fedotov, 1912a: 66, f. 7 (m).
Tmeticus graminicola Simon, 1926: 450, 521, f. 781 (mf, S of Gongylidium dentiferum).
Erigonidium graminicolum Bristowe, 1939: 80 (S of Tmeticus adeptus; Roewer, 1942a: 530 listed T. a. erroneously as S of Centromerus sellarius).
Erigonidium graminicola Locket & Millidge, 1953: 217, f. 134A-C (mf, T from Tmeticus).
Erigone fasciata Roewer, 1955c: 1497 (nicht zu deuten = nomen dubium).
Erigonidium graminicola Oi, 1960a: 143, f. 35-38 (mf).
Erigonidium graminicolum Wiehle, 1960a: 406, f. 742-750 (mf).
Tmeticus yunnanensis Schenkel, 1963: 113, f. 66a-b (Df) [].
Erigonidium graminicola Merrett, 1963b: 391, f. 52A-D (m).
Erigonidium graminicola Lee, 1966: 34, f. 8i-l (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Tystshenko, 1971: 248, f. 814 (f).
Erigonidium graminicola Miller, 1971: 261, pl. LIII, f. 17-18 (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Suganami, 1971: 23, f. 1-2 (f).
Erigonidium graminicola Punda, 1975b: 56, f. 113-114 (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Palmgren, 1976: 68, f. 2.1-5, 7.1-4 (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Millidge, 1977: 11, f. 19 (m).
Erigonidium graminicola Song et al., 1977b: 36, f. 1, 2A-D (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Paik & Namkung, 1979: 33, f. 15.1-2 (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Song, 1980: 149, f. 80a-e (mf).
Erigonidium graminicolum Wang, 1981: 107, f. 48A-C (f).
Erigonidium graminicola Hu, 1984: 188, f. 197.1-4 (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Guo, 1985: 104, f. 2-46.1-3 (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Zhu & Shi, 1985: 113, f. 99a-3 (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Yaginuma, 1986a: 81, f. 44.1 (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Song, 1987: 149, f. 110 (mf).
Hylyphantes graminicola Roberts, 1987: 42, f. 12b (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Zhang, 1987: 125, f. 103.1-3 (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Hu & Wu, 1989: 171, f. 142.1-4 (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Chikuni, 1989b: 56, f. 45 (mf).
Erigonidium graminicolum Feng, 1990: 135, f. 108.1-5 (mf).
Erigonidium graminicolum Coddington, 1990: 15, f. 71 (m).
Erigonidium graminicolum Chen & Gao, 1990: 107, f. 134a-b (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Chen & Zhang, 1991: 175, f. 173.1-4 (mf).
Hylyphantes graminicola Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 172, f. 461 (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Eskov, 1992b: 166 (S of Erigone hua).
Erigonidium graminicola Zhao, 1993: 169, f. 83a-d (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Millidge, 1993c: 147, f. 35 (f).
Erigonidium graminicola Barrion & Litsinger, 1994: 319, f. 1677-1680 (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Zhao, 1995: 886, f. 420a-d (mf).
Hylyphantes graminicola Agnarsson, 1996: 84, f. 73A-B (mf).
Hylyphantes graminicola Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 171, f. 12J, 98O-P, 99A (mf).
Hylyphantes graminicola Hormiga, 2000: 43, f. 16A-G (mf).
Erigonidium graminicola Hu, 2001: 546, f. 366.1-4 (mf).
Hylyphantes graminicola Song, Zhu & Chen, 2001: 132, f. 70A-E (mf).
Hylyphantes graminicola Namkung, 2002: 186, f. 17.38a-b (mf).
Hylyphantes graminicola Kim & Cho, 2002: 297, f. 745-750 (f).
Hylyphantes graminicola Namkung, 2003: 188, f. 17.38a-b (mf).
Hylyphantes graminicola Tu & Li, 2003: 211, f. 3A-F (mf).
Hylyphantes graminicola Lee et al., 2004: 100, unnumbered f. (mf).
Hylyphantes graminicola Tu & Li, 2004a: 426 (S of Erigone orientalis and E. tonkina).
Hylyphantes graminicola Tu, Li & Rollard, 2005: 651 (S of Tmeticus yunnanensis).
Hylyphantes graminicola Tu & Li, 2005a: 62, f. 10 (m).
Hylyphantes graminicola Lee, Kang & Kim, 2009: 128, f. 30a-c (mf).
Hylyphantes graminicola Ono, Matsuda & Saito, 2009: 298, f. 566-567 (mf).
Hylyphantes birmanicus Tanasevitch, 2010c: 104, f. 4-6, 9-13 (mf, T from Erigone, S of Erigone fasciata).
Hylyphantes graminicola Tanasevitch, 2010c: 104, f. 7-8, 14-16 (mf).
Hylyphantes graminicola Zhu & Zhang, 2011: 129, f. 81A-E (mf).
Hylyphantes graminicola Yin et al., 2012: 500, f. 232a-f (mf).
Hylyphantes graminicola Tanasevitch, 2014b: 75, f. 24-25 (m, S of Hylyphantes birmanicus).
Hylyphantes graminicola Breitling et al., 2015: 71 (S).
Hylyphantes graminicola Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 430, f. 7M, 67N, 68N, 5SG (m).
Hylyphantes graminicola Zhang, Peng & Zhang, 2022: 61, f. 38A-G (mf).
Hylyphantes graminicola Irfan, Zhang & Peng, 2022: 132, f. 151A-D, 152A-C, 153A-D (mf).
Hylyphantes graminicola Iwanaga & Hirotsu, 2024: 113, f. 2O-P (m).
Hylyphantes graminicola Irfan et al., 2025: 87, f. 112A-D, 113A-B, 114A-D (mf).
Agnarsson, I. (1996). Íslenskar köngulær. Fjölrit Náttúrufræðistofnunar 31: 1-175. -- Show included taxa
Barrion, A. T. & Litsinger, J. A. (1994). Taxonomy of rice insect pests and their arthropod parasites and predators. In: Heinrichs, E. A. (ed.) Biology and Management of Rice Insects. Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, pp. 13-15, 283-359. -- Show included taxa
Becker, L. (1896). Les arachnides de Belgique, deuxième et troisième parties. Annales du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 12(2): 1-127, pl. 1-25 & 12(3): 1-378, pl. 1-18. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.48721
-- Show included taxa
Blackwall, J. (1852a). A catalogue of British spiders including remarks on their structure, function, economy and systematic arrangement. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (2) 9(49, 52, 44): 15-22, 268-275, 464-471; 10(57, 58): 182-189, 248-253. , 10.1080/03745485609495691 [dois only for vol. (2) 10] doi:10.1080/03745485609495675 -- Show included taxa
Blackwall, J. (1864a). A history of the spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. Part II. Ray Society, London, pp. 175-384, pl. 13-29. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.143674 -- Show included taxa
Bösenberg, W. (1902). Die Spinnen Deutschlands. II-IV. Zoologica (Stuttgart) 14(2-4): 97-384, pl. 9-36. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.6508
-- Show included taxa
Bösenberg, W. & Strand, E. (1906). Japanische Spinnen. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 30: 93-422. -- Show included taxa
Breitling, R., Lemke, M., Bauer, T., Hohner, M., Grabolle, A. & Blick, T. (2015). Phantom spiders: notes on dubious spider species from Europe. Arachnologische Mitteilungen 50: 65-80. doi:10.5431/aramit5010 -- Show included taxa
Bristowe, W. S. (1939). The comity of spiders. Volume I. Ray Society, London, pp. 1-228, pl. 1-19. -- Show included taxa
Chen, X. E. & Gao, J. C. (1990). The Sichuan farmland spiders in China. Sichuan Science and Technology Publishing House, Chengdu, 226 pp. -- Show included taxa
Chen, Z. F. & Zhang, Z. H. (1991). Fauna of Zhejiang: Araneida. Zhejiang Science and Technology Publishing House, Hangzhou, 356 pp. -- Show included taxa
Chikuni, Y. (1989b). Pictorial encyclopedia of spiders in Japan. Kaisei-sha Publishing Co., Tokyo, 310 pp. -- Show included taxa
Coddington, J. A. (1990). Ontogeny and homology in the male palpus of orb-weaving spiders and their relatives, with comments on phylogeny (Araneoclada: Araneoidea, Deinopoidea). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 496: 1-52. -- Show included taxa
Eskov, K. Y. (1992b). A restudy of the generic composition of the linyphiid spider fauna of the Far East (Araneida: Linyphiidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 23(2): 153-168. doi:10.1163/187631292X00272 -- Show included taxa
Fedotov, D. (1912a). Materialy k faounié paukow Twerskoï gouberny. Berichte der Biologischen Süßwasserstation der Kaiserlichen Naturforschergesellschaft zu St. Petersburg 3: 53-134. -- Show included taxa
Feng, Z. Q. (1990). Spiders of China in colour. Hunan Science and Technology Publishing House, 256 pp. -- Show included taxa
Guo, J. F. (ed.) (1985). [Farm spiders from Shaanxi Province]. Shaanxi Science and Technology Press. -- Show included taxa
Hahn, C. W. (1833a). Die Arachniden. C. H. Zeh'sche Buchhandlung, Nürnberg, Erster Band, pp. 77-129, pl. 19-36 (f. 57-95); Zweiter Band, pp. 1-16, pl. 37-47 (f. 96-105). [for the correct year of publication see Brignoli, 1985b] doi:10.5962/bhl.title.43744 -- Show included taxa
Heimer, S. & Nentwig, W. (1991). Spinnen Mitteleuropas: Ein Bestimmungsbuch. Paul Parey, Berlin, 543 pp. -- Show included taxa
Hormiga, G. (2000). Higher level phylogenetics of erigonine spiders (Araneae, Linyphiidae, Erigoninae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 609: 1-160. -- Show included taxa
Hu, J. L. (1984). The Chinese spiders collected from the fields and the forests. Tianjin Science and Technology Press, 482 pp. -- Show included taxa
Hu, J. L. & Wu, W. G. (1989). Spiders from agricultural regions of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. Shandong University Publishing House, Jinan, 435 pp. -- Show included taxa
Hu, J. L. (2001). Spiders in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China. Henan Science and Technology Publishing House, 658 pp.
-- Show included taxa
Irfan, M., Zhang, Z. S. & Peng, X. J. (2022). Survey of Linyphiidae (Arachnida: Araneae) spiders from Yunnan, China. Megataxa 8(1): 1-292. doi:10.11646/megataxa.8.1.1 -- Show included taxa
Irfan, M., Zhou, G. C., Peng, X. J. & Zhang, Z. S. (2025). Survey of Linyphiidae spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) from some oriental regions of China. Megataxa 15(1): 1-248. doi:10.11646/megataxa.15.1.1 -- Show included taxa
Iwanaga, S. & Hirotsu, K. (2024). Spiders collected from Bungoohno-shi, Oita Prefecture, Kyushu and Minamiohsumi-cho, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushu. Kishidaia 124: 110-115. -- Show included taxa
Kim, J. P. & Cho, J. H. (2002). Spider: Natural Enemy & Resources. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), 424 pp. -- Show included taxa
Koch, C. L. (1833). Arachniden. In: Herrich-Schäffer, G. A. W. (ed.) Deutschlands Insecten. Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg, Heft 119-121. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.15007 -- Show included taxa
Koch, C. L. (1838). Die Arachniden. C. H. Zeh'sche Buchhandlung, Nürnberg, Vierter Band, pp. 109-144, pl. 139-144 (f. 319-339); Fünfter Band, pp. 1-124, pl. 145-174 (f. 340-417). [for the correct year of publication see Brignoli, 1985b] doi:10.5962/bhl.title.43744 -- Show included taxa
Kulczyński, W. (1902a). Erigonae Europaeae. Addenda ad descriptiones. Bulletin International de l'Academie des Sciences de Cracovie 1902(8): 539-561, pl. 35.
-- Show included taxa
Lee, C. L. (1966). [Spiders of Formosa (Taiwan)]. Taichung Junior Teachers College Publisher, 84 pp. -- Show included taxa
Lee, Y. B., Yoo, J. S., Lee, D. J. & Kim, J. P. (2004). Ground dwelling spiders. Korean Arachnology 20: 97-115. -- Show included taxa
Lee, Y. K., Kang, S. M. & Kim, J. P. (2009). A revision of the subfamily Linyphiinae Blackwall, 1859 in Korea. Korean Arachnology 25: 113-175. -- Show included taxa
Lin, S. W., Lopardo, L. & Uhl, G. (2022). Evolution of nuptial-gift-related male prosomal structures: taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the genus Oedothorax (Araneae: Linyphiidae: Erigoninae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 195(2): 417-584, suppl. figs S1-S5. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlab033 -- Show included taxa
Locket, G. H. & Millidge, A. F. (1953). British spiders. Vol. II. Ray Society, London, 449 pp. -- Show included taxa
Menge, A. (1868). Preussische Spinnen. II. Abtheilung. Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig (N. F.) 2: 153-218, pl. 29-43 (f. 117). -- Show included taxa
Merrett, P. (1963b). The palpus of male spiders of the family Linyphiidae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 140(3): 347-467. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1963.tb01867.x -- Show included taxa
Miller, F. (1971). Pavouci-Araneida. Klíč zvířeny ČSSR 4: 51-306. -- Show included taxa
Millidge, A. F. (1977). The conformation of the male palpal organs of linyphiid spiders, and its application to the taxonomic and phylogenetic analysis of the family (Araneae: Linyphiidae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 4: 1-60. -- Show included taxa
Millidge, A. F. (1993c). Further remarks on the taxonomy and relationships of the Linyphiidae, based on the epigynal duct confirmations and other characters (Araneae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 9(5): 145-156. -- Show included taxa
Namkung, J. (2002). The spiders of Korea. Kyo-Hak Publishing Co., Seoul, 648 pp. [2001 in the book, but publ. in 2002 per Platnick] -- Show included taxa
Namkung, J. (2003). The Spiders of Korea, 2nd. ed. Kyo-Hak Publishing Co., Seoul, 648 pp. -- Show included taxa
Oi, R. (1960a). Linyphiid spiders of Japan. Journal of the Institute of Polytechnics Osaka City University 11(D): 137-244. -- Show included taxa
Ono, H., Matsuda, M. & Saito, H. (2009). Linyphiidae, Pimoidae. In: Ono, H. (ed.) The spiders of Japan with keys to the families and genera and illustrations of the species. Tokai University Press, Kanagawa, pp. 253-344. -- Show included taxa
Paik, W. H. & Namkung, J. (1979). [Studies on the rice paddy spiders from Korea]. Seoul National Univ., 101 pp. -- Show included taxa
Palmgren, P. (1976). Die Spinnenfauna Finnlands und Ostfennoskandiens. VII. Linyphiidae 2 (Micryphantinae, mit Ausnahme der Linyphiindae-ähnlichen). Fauna Fennica 29: 1-126. -- Show included taxa
Pickard-Cambridge, O. (1907). On some new and rare British Arachnida. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 27(for 1906): 72-92. [published on Jan. 16, 1907, after Sykes, 1941] -- Show included taxa
Punda, H. (1975b). Pająki Borów Sosnowych. Polska Akad. Nauk, 91 pp. -- Show included taxa
Roberts, M. J. (1987). The spiders of Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 2: Linyphiidae and check list. Harley Books, Colchester, England, 204 pp. -- Show included taxa
Roewer, C. F. (1955c). Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940, bzw. 1954. 2. Band, Abt. a (Lycosaeformia, Dionycha [excl. Salticiformia]). 2. Band, Abt. b (Salticiformia, Cribellata) (Synonyma-Verzeichnis, Gesamtindex). Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles, 1751 pp.
-- Show included taxa
Schenkel, E. (1963). Ostasiatische Spinnen aus dem Muséum d'Histoire naturelle de Paris. Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris (A, Zool.) 25: 1-481. -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1884a). Les arachnides de France. Tome cinquième, deuxième et troisième partie. Roret, Paris, pp. 180-885, pl. 26-27. -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1894a). Histoire naturelle des araignées. Deuxième édition, tome premier. Roret, Paris, pp. 489-760. [second pdf with detailed publication dates of the single parts] doi:10.5962/bhl.title.51973
-- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1909e). Etude sur les arachnides du Tonkin (1re partie). Bulletin Scientifique de la France et de la Belgique 42: 69-147. -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1926). Les arachnides de France. Synopsis générale et catalogue des espèces françaises de l'ordre des Araneae. Tome VI. 2e partie. Roret, Paris, pp. 309-532. -- Show included taxa
Smith, F. P. (1904). The spiders of the Erigone group. Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club (2) 9: 109-116. -- Show included taxa
Song, D. X. et al. (1977b). [Identification of the common species of Micryphantidae from the farm field]. Dongwuxue zazhi (Chinese Journal of Zoology) 1977(2): 36-37 and inside back cover. -- Show included taxa
Song, D. X. (ed.) (1980). [Farm Spiders]. Science Press, Beijing, 247 pp. -- Show included taxa
Song, D. X. (1987). Spiders from agricultural regions of China (Arachnida: Araneae). Agriculture Publishing House, Beijing, 376 pp. -- Show included taxa
Song, D. X., Zhu, M. S. & Chen, J. (1999). The spiders of China. Hebei Science and Technology Publishing House, Shijiazhuang, 640 pp. -- Show included taxa
Song, D. X., Zhu, M. S. & Chen, J. (2001). The Fauna of Hebei, China: Araneae. Hebei Science and Technology Publishing House, Shijiazhuang, 510 pp. -- Show included taxa
Strand, E. (1907k). Süd- und ostasiatische Spinnen. Abhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Görlitz 25: 107-215. -- Show included taxa
Suganami, Y. (1971). [Spiders of Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, 1. Spiders of the northern part of Ibaraki Prefecture]. Atypus 56: 14-37. -- Show included taxa
Sundevall, C. J. (1830). Svenska spindlarnes beskrifning. Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 1829: 188-219. [publ. in 1830, also as separate pp. 1-32, see Blick & Kronestedt, 2000] -- Show included taxa
Tanasevitch, A. V. (2010c). A revision of the Erigone species described by T. Thorell from Burma (Aranei: Linyphiidae). Arthropoda Selecta 19(2): 103-107. doi:10.15298/arthsel.19.2.09 -- Show included taxa
Tanasevitch, A. V. (2014b). New species and records of linyphiid spiders from Laos (Araneae, Linyphiidae). Zootaxa 3841(1): 67-89. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3841.1.3 -- Show included taxa
Thorell, T. (1871a). Remarks on synonyms of European spiders. Part II. C. J. Lundström, Uppsala, pp. 97-228. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.69282 -- Show included taxa
Thorell, T. (1895b). Descriptive catalogue of the spiders of Burma, based upon the collection made by Eugene W. Oates and preserved in the British Museum. London, 406 pp. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.17492 -- Show included taxa
Thorell, T. (1898). Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. LXXX. Secondo saggio sui Ragni birmani. II. Retitelariae et Orbitelariae. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 39: 271-378. -- Show included taxa
Tu, L. H. & Li, S. Q. (2003). A review of the spider genus Hylyphantes (Araneae: Linyphiidae) from China. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 51: 209-214. -- Show included taxa
Tu, L. H. & Li, S. Q. (2004a). A preliminary study of erigonine spiders (Linyphiidae: Erigoninae) from Vietnam. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 52: 419-433. -- Show included taxa
Tu, L. H. & Li, S. Q. (2005a). A new species of the genus Hylyphantes (Araneae: Linyphiidae) from Sichuan Province, China. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 30: 62-64. -- Show included taxa
Tu, L. H., Li, S. Q. & Rollard, C. (2005). A review of six linyphiid spiders described from China by Dr E. Schenkel (Araneae: Linyphiidae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 112(3): 647-660. doi:10.5962/bhl.part.80318 -- Show included taxa
Tystshenko, V. P. (1971). Opredelitel' paukov evropejskoj chasti SSSR. Leningrad, 281 pp. -- Show included taxa
Walckenaer, C. A. (1841). Histoire naturelle des Insects. Aptères. Tome deuxième. Roret, Paris, 549 pp., pl. 16-22. [not published in 1837, see pp. 430, 452, 505; plates in second pdf of Walckenaer, 1837] doi:10.5962/bhl.title.61095 -- Show included taxa
Wang, H. Q. (1981). [Protection and utilization of spiders in paddy fields]. Hunan Press of Science and Technology, 188 pp. (reprinted, 1985) -- Show included taxa
Westring, N. (1851). Förteckning öfver de till närvarande tid Kände, i Sverige förekommande Spindlarter, utgörande ett antal af 253, deraf 132 äro nya för svenska Faunan. Göteborgs Kungliga Vetenskaps och Vitterhets Samhälles Handlingar 2: 25-62. -- Show included taxa
Westring, N. (1861). Araneae svecicae. Göteborgs Kungliga Vetenskaps och Vitterhets Samhälles Handlingar 7: 1-615. [publ. also as separate in 1862] -- Show included taxa
Wiehle, H. (1960a). Spinnentiere oder Arachnoidea (Araneae). XI. Micryphantidae – Zwergspinnen. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 47: 1-620. -- Show included taxa
Yaginuma, T. (1986a). Spiders of Japan in color (new ed.). Hoikusha Publishing Co., Osaka, 305 pp., 64 pls. -- Show included taxa
Yin, C. M., Peng, X. J., Yan, H. M., Bao, Y. H., Xu, X., Tang, G., Zhou, Q. S. & Liu, P. (2012). Fauna Hunan: Araneae in Hunan, China. Hunan Science and Technology Press, Changsha, 1590 pp.
-- Show included taxa
Zhang, W. S. (ed.) (1987). [Farm spiders from Hebei Province]. Hebei University of Science and Technology Press, 299 pp. -- Show included taxa
Zhang, F., Peng, J. Y. & Zhang, B. S. (2022). Spiders of Mt. Xiaowutai. Science Press, Beijing, 387 pp. [pdf in three parts]
-- Show included taxa
Zhao, J. Z. (1993). Spiders in the cotton fields in China. Wuhan Publishing House, Wuhan, China, 552 pp. -- Show included taxa
Zhao, J. Z. (1995). Araneida. In: Natural enemies of cotton pests in China. Wuhan Publishing House, Wuhan, China, pp. 762-1155. -- Show included taxa
Zhu, M. S. & Shi, J. G. (1985). [Crop field spiders of Shanxi Province]. Agriculture Planning Committee of Shanxi Province (for 1983), 239 pp. -- Show included taxa
Zhu, M. S. & Zhang, B. S. (2011). Spider Fauna of Henan: Arachnida: Araneae. Science Press, Beijing, 558 pp. -- Show included taxa
* Disclaimer
As External Resources, the World Spider Catalog links here to species pages of other databases.
They may contain further information for the given species. The databases, listed as External Resources,
are not managed by World Spider Catalog and the information given there is not necessarily in agreement
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World Spider Catalog. All responsibility for such data is with the external database. (2019). GBIF Home Page (via GBIF API). Available from: [1 September 2019]
Nentwig, W., Blick, T., Bosmans, R., Gloor, D., Hänggi, A., Kropf, C.: Spiders of Europe. Version 05.2018. doi: 10.24436/1
Date | Type | Reference | Detail |
2025-01-24 | New taxonomic reference entry | Iwanaga & Hirotsu, 2024 | n/a |
2025-01-17 | New taxonomic reference entry | Irfan et al., 2025 | n/a |
2023-06-13 | New taxonomic reference entry | Zhao, 1995 | n/a |
2023-01-14 | New taxonomic reference entry | Irfan, Zhang & Peng, 2022 | n/a |
2022-11-16 | New taxonomic reference entry | Zhang, Peng & Zhang, 2022 | n/a |
2022-07-20 | Species distribution update | n/a (Old value) | |
2022-06-02 | New taxonomic reference entry | Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022 | n/a |
2020-05-30 | New taxonomic reference entry | Tanasevitch, 2010c | n/a |
2015-10-20 | New taxonomic reference entry | Breitling et al., 2015 | n/a |
2015-10-20 | Species synonymy | Breitling et al., 2015 | Hylyphantes decens synonymized with Hylyphantes graminicola |
2015-02-17 | Species distribution update | Tanasevitch, 2014d | n/a (Old value) |
2014-08-24 | New taxonomic reference entry | Tanasevitch, 2014b | n/a |
2014-08-24 | Species synonymy | Tanasevitch, 2014b | Hylyphantes birmanicus synonymized with Hylyphantes graminicola |